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love hurts about myself

Beautifuly Black Rose
Community Member
love hurts everytime
Love Hurts

Love hurts like a thorn on a rose more painful then a burn and yet as ever lasting as a burn on the skin or a pain in your heart. That leads you into a pain that can never be heal by a drug or a pill. that will last until the day that you will say that i have enough of this awful place that leave me in a cloud of pain. That causes my endless torment in my heart. That cover the shy with cloud of darkness. End the torment and the darkness with a simple hug from someone who truly care from the beginning. That didn't hurt your heart that care enough to stay by your side in good times and bad times. The person that will be there in the very end through heart ache and heart broke. The person that turned your dark shy into blue shy and stopped the pain in your heart and your soul. Your one true love.
crying cry crying

I Dream About Killing You All
Feed me a Rare Candy!

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Community Member

Thu Feb 14, 2008 @ 02:06am

damn daz deep

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