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[D]rain U_R [S]oul... or D-rain for short
semester 2
omg semester 2 sucks.... D: there are hardly any pretty girls in any of my classes T.T i have chem, phys, law, math... i'm gonna die... plus there's nothing to look at when i'm bored... chem has like 4-5 pretty girls, but they all sit behind me =[, physics has ummm...0 pretty girls... D: last semester physics was better...lol
law has a few pretty girls i guess... but no more than 5..lol and it seems like a lot of work... i wanna drop the course D: and err, math has about 3-4 pretty girls.... but its math =[
man semester 1 was so much better, chem, eng, spare, physics...lol

oh yeah, and physics got harder too D: the teacher got all strict and stuff, now shes going "RAWR" and biting people's heads off =[

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