So, A monkey comes up to the mayor and says, "Hey yo' mayo!" The mayor says." Mayor." "Whats the stuff today?" "What stuff" "Ya'll know. The Stuff" "Oh I got it."-wink- "Oh don't you go getting yo winks again yo'" " I still don't know what stuff you are talking about monkey" "Yo. Ya'll don't know?" "oooooooh! The Stuff!" "Yeeehh. " "GOt it right here." -pokes in pocket- "Yo ya'll." "Here ya go monkey. Knock yourself out." "Yo wait mayor! The stuff ain't what yo' gangster talking 'bout" "It ain't?" "It's the stuff." "oh yah. Come'ere.Follow me" "aight."
I still do not get that joke.
Abduct Bone Crazy · Thu Jul 14, 2005 @ 08:34pm · 2 Comments |