Chapter 5
After a few hours I woke up. I was still in the void of darkness. Now with no one here but myself there was really nothing I could do. I said to myself "The only way now to go is straight". I started on a long walk. just walking forward, and keep going forward until something comes along. It seemed forever but yet it felt also i was just going around in circles. I was walking until I took one step and white doves started flying out every where around me. I saw on the ground a bright light started to appear. Then it got bigger until I saw a letter. I waited til it got bigger so i could see the whole word. It said come forward into the light where your darkness will end. It showed an arrow pointing straight. I followed the arrow until I came to a door. But suddenly I heard a voice. It was coming from the door. It said open the door and be cast out your shadows, stay here and be with darkness. I really had no option. It was better than staying here. I opened the door and I charged on in. To be continued.....
Community Member
never heard a line like that really its very good