What? I'll bet you thought there'd be something interesting here, didn't you? Well, looks like you're in for some disappointment. Hmph! Foolish mortals... you and your high expectations for journal entrys. There is nothing of importance here, and yet you're still reading this, aren't you? Feh! Humans... such foul and despicable creatures... I insult you, and you continue to read this regardless. How shameful. It's a wonder you still exist, and it's even more of a surprise to see that you actually have animals in check. But this trend cannot last. You'll soon be conquered by whatever decides to invade your pitiful planet, with your pitiful beliefs that you are destined for greatness. How can a breed with with such naive thoughts survive this long? You believe everything will work out in the end because you have someone to follow. Feh! You and your silly world leaders. One nimrod taking control with a few fancy words to win the faith of other nimrods. But without that number one nimrod, chaos will come. When people have to fend for themselves, the true nature of the human race comes out. You step on anyone you can in order to get ahead, and not show any remorse for those who you hurt to get to where you are. Your silly race will self-destruct long before being conquered.
Still reading? What a shame.
Jaiden Stryker · Wed Jul 20, 2005 @ 11:33pm · 6 Comments |