Lol Spongebob.
SG Drama has happened. So of course I need to talk about it in here &3 Now that im not captain I can say real thoughts.
Ego quit the guild. And got banned. Sad sad sad. Ego is fun. But I guess I talked more to her on aim then in the guild anyways sooo it doesnt matter that much.
Dukes got attacked AGAIN. As he does often. And of course I helped in the attacking. I know most people wont believe that I like him since im for him getting banned from the guild but I really do. Its just he gets away with a lot of s**t and I think its time something is done about it. He's not my best friend, like I would never be for getting Buzz, or Siamese, banned no matter how absolutely horrible they were. But still I like him.
I honestly dont believe anything he says most of the time. I just dont. Too much circumstantial evidence is piled up against him. As captain I tried to keep my mind open about it all but now that im not in charge my mind is closed. At least in the Dukes matter.
I do believe that Dan faked the pm though. I didnt know you couldnt delete sent messages but then Dukes told me and I tried and was like oh... However I didnt want to have Dukes AND Dan trying to make me feel guilty in the same day sooo I just kinda ignored that little fact. Is that wrong of me? Of course it is. Do I care? Not really.
I think Dukes secretly likes this. I'm sorry but what person would come back to a guild that CONSTANTLY attacks them? I mean sure he can go a month or two in peace but eventually someone brings something up, or something happens, and everyone attacks Dukes, and then Dukes gets mad and leaves. And then a few months later comes back! Why? Why why whhhhy would ANYONE do that? UNLESS they like it.
I like it. Why do you all think I stayed Captain for so freaking long? People would get angry and hate on me. Then I would get all kinds of angry. There would be a TON of scream scream scream and then I would be all " I'm just trying to help the guild!!! And now everyone hates me!!! " And then people would be like "I love you Nymphie!" and I would be like "I know cool " Its excitement and an ego boost all in one. Whats not to like? Unless you arent ok with being hated. I am PERFECTLY fine with being hated because I know I do things that make me deserve it. People can hate me all they want, as long as I still have friends I'm fine. ANYWAY I see how Dukes can like it too.
When I was im'ing Dukes he was all mad at me and all "Why dont you block me? Why shouldnt I block you? D&" and I was all "block me." I told him to like a hundred times. But he didnt. If he was that mad at me, which I do believe he was mad at me, and he wasnt enjoying the anger deep deep down, why wouldnt he have just blocked me?
Thats why I dont feel horrible about how Dukes is treated. I mean it IS horrible but since he keeps coming back its like he's asking for more, and if he's asking for more I'll be damned if I feel bad for giving him more.
If Dan did lie to Sib and everyone else and fake a pm, which I believe he did, I have more respect for him. Just like I respect Dukes for being a manipulative liar. And I love Siamese for acting like an elitist b***h. And Buzz for being a douche to just about everyone irl XD And Q for doing things that I wont say because they are secret and bad. I know im hardcore against harrassment, but yet I LOVE when people have the balls to do bad things. Its so much more fun then being meek and nice.
I feel kinda bad for being mean to Sib. I mean I support him 100% as captain, but I guess saying Dukes was manipulating him successfully was mean. Especially since I dont believe that. I do believe Dukes would TRY to use him, I just dont know if Sib would allow it. But oh well.
Its my prediction that Dukes will be back in the guild in a few months and this will happen all over again &3 Lets see if I'm right. I sure hope I am.
Edit: I forgot to add that I also still believe either Dukes or Sunaya will be president some day <3 And I will fully support both of them and I promise promise promise that I will never bring up anything Dukes has done online when he is running or is President. Or after he is president. Because even I wouldnt be that mean. And besides that would totally get me kicked out of the White House (I fully intend to leech of Dukes and Sunaya and get myself an awesome White House job and live there).
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