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When you thought it was safe to leave...
Profile: Melantha
Gaianame: Melantha Violet
I am known as: Melantha Callista Dark Ilona Violet
But people call me: Mel
I appear: 19
Gender: Female
Race: Human (Half Evony))
Sexuality: Straight
Short Bio: Melantha has a long history, but in short; she was a Lady of her village but disturbed the dark arts, then was twisted into the control of a double ganger, and went crazy. She got some freedom, and left her home after killing almost all of the villagers. ((LONG History behind this, with great detail.)) She came across a place called the Haven, but cause more problems there. In short, she left there for good reasons and only returns for personal interest. Now she is once again traveling and is very quiet...once in a while.
Personality: Quiet at first, but if you get to know her, she packs a massive punch.
I love: Dark arts, spells, sparring, and much more. ((Too many))
I despise: People who gives up too easily.
Weapons: Long blade nails from her gloves, blades in her fans, a chain that is controlled by her magic, her spells, and her control over Gravity.
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Powers/Abilities: She can control the powers of gravity, make them greater or weaker. Dark magic, black magic ((Ice)) and has a charming personality.
Other: Melantha hides a long dusty past, and she doesn't care to speak of it. It is nothing she has interest in, and always looks to the future.
Crush: Teniko
Family: Teniko, Aiden, Gabrielle and Hunter

User Comments: [2] [add]
Porno Pichu
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Mar 24, 2008 @ 07:57am

Who's your crush, huh? xp

commentCommented on: Tue Mar 25, 2008 @ 09:13am

User ImageBy bimbet

Melantha Violet
Community Member
User Comments: [2] [add]
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