Here is a copy of an email I sent out to people. Please read through and see if you can help. Anything would be appreciated. Thank you.
Howdy you all!
Just wanted to pass along a quick note asking for a bit of help. I created an online store to sell things, from shirts to mousepads, stickers and so forth. I have shirts currently with the following: I *heart* attack of the show, I *heart* vincent price, One of Craigs Cheeky monkeys (with a picture of a silly monkey). The shirts that say "I love" something actually have a red heart for the word heart. Besides the shirts a have a few other odds and ends things with egyptian stuff, weird stuff and a mug with my websites logo.
So's nothing fancy by any means and if anyone is interested in anything please feel free to buy! And if you can't buy, then pass the link to my shop around. That would help me out a lot. I just need more traffic, people knowing about it. On a side note, if there's something you'd like to see in there let me know! I can do lots more of the "I love" whatever. If I can manage to do it I will. Since I'm just starting out I've only thought of a few things.
I guess I'll wrap this up now. Thanks in advance for anything bought or for spreading my link around. Take care all!!
~ Jenny
-Just copy and paste the link below in your browser to visit, or to pass it along in email/whatever-
EMAIL ideas/ **
~ NIHL ~ · Sun Mar 16, 2008 @ 06:04am · 1 Comments |