I can turn the gray more blue, give me a chance and I'll show you. How to go from good to bad to worse.
And then you'll see my greatest gift is, falling down and takin' it. 'Cause everything feels better when it hurts....
My biggest thirst, is Happiness, in all kinds of weather
For worse or for better, I'll have it anyway.
But happiness, can't last forever.
You know there's never, pleasure without the pain.
Hantelep Chapter 1 - please read? |

Somewhere along the East Coast, there is a sistering school, to one known as Hogwarts. Hantelep School of Magic, not even a decade old has slowly gained popularity in the U.S. Separated into three houses Luminta, Draconai, and Shadomus, students are to choose which house they want to belong to by reputation. Luminta for those with good intentions, Draconai for neutral, and Shadomus for those who are dark arts oriented. Offering many of the classes Hogwarts has, Hantelep is the only magic school to offer Muggle courses as well. Thinks were oddly quiet as Kels looked up at the midnight sky. Sitting sidesaddle on her broomstick she frowned as a sudden chill ran up her spine. The moon was slowly turning red, sadness filled her as she hovered above her aunt's manor. A very tiny ball of fur was curled on her lap in a cat like manner, but the creature was far from being a feline. The fluff ball quivered, rounded ears perking up at the cease of it's masters' soft hum. Whiskers twitching in question, emitting a soft chatter of concern. Kels only smiled as she looked down at the ball of unraveling fluff. the small rodent on her lap, more ferret like then rat, tilted it's small head in curiosity. "Did I wake you Bunnie?" he dark brown bundle stretched itself across her leg. White hands, almost human like stretched out before turning into tiny fists. The creature seemed to unhinged it's jaw in a wide yawn. "I'll take that as a 'yes'." Kels reached a finger and rubbed just under the rodent's chin. gaining a soft chatter of forgiveness, she scooped up the rat and guided her broom down to the rooftop of the Montone Manor. A dark haired figure stood by the window, arms crossed impatiently. "What are you doing out so late?" The familiar deep voice snapped. "I-" She started to say something, but shook her head free of the thought. "It's nothing, don't worry about it." She forced a smile at her cousin. "I know you better then that." He smiled warmly at her. She leaned broadly on her broomstick with a scowled on her face. "Tak, I'm warning you, let me be." She managed to growl through her clenched teeth. He held up his hands in surrender and took a step back mockingly. "Alright, alright. I just wanted to know what was on your mind, to see if I could help." She glared at him and punched his arm with all the strength she could muster. Tak winced and rubbed his forearm, while Kels only smiled. "I warned you." She sighed, and stretched out, glancing at the sky again, the moon was a darker red then it was. She bit down on her lower lip, not realizing how hard she was biting until she tasted her own blood. "Damn!" "Shut up, Ophelia is still awake." Tak yelped, glancing nervously to the window. Kels raised the back of her hand to her new puncture wound. "Yeah, wouldn't want her to come up here." She retorted with a glare, "What are you, ten?" Tak stared at her wide-eyed for a moment before speaking in a hushed whisper. "You are a guest in this house! You should obey the rules." She rolled her eyes, hopping back onto her broom and hovered. "It's summer, and I just want to relax before next term." She leaned back and hung from her knees, crossing her arms. "You're too uptight-" She got another chill and fell off her broom. Landing with a soft thud, she sat up and rubbed the top of her head. "What are you doing out here anyway?" "I was checking up on you." He muttered frustrated with her antics. "You're the one who acts like a child." In reply, Kels stuck out her tongue. "Argh! I can't stand you!" He narrowed his green eyes at her and muttered, "Avis!" Kels only giggled at her dark haired cousin. "Forgetting something cousin dear?" "What do you mean?" "Your wand." She twirled the intricate hallow twig in her fingers, Tak was outraged. "You. . . You little pickpocket!" He dove at her. "I'm going to kill you!" Kels screamed, kicking her legs out at her elder cousin. "Jerk! You left it on the table, I was going to return it." She hissed and kicked him once again finally breaking free of his grip. "I can't believe I'm related to you!" She grabbed onto her broom and pulled herself up onto it. "Maybe I was better off going with my parents to study dragons." She growled and crossed her arms, ignoring the feeling in the pit of her stomach. Tak sat on the roof, folding the side of his face where she had kicked him. He stared up at her, stunned at what had just happened as Kels circled around the property. Her stomach turned again as she came around for the third time. She came to a halt and looked at the sky one last time before she headed back in. She stared at the red moon with a frightened look on her face as a chill ran up her spine. "What's wrong with me today?" She clutched her head slightly, "Get a grip Kels." She looked up at the moon, a fiery glint caught her eye. "I must be really tired, that's the only explanation...." She started back to the roof, and her stupefied cousin. "Come on, it's late." Tak nodded slowly and stood up walking to the window. Bunnie chattered happily and climbed onto her shoulder, she smiled meekly. "Yeah, bed time Bunnie." Before stepping through the window that hung over the study she glanced over her shoulder once again. "Is that a-? Nah. . ." Though tired or not, what she did see was a majestic phoenix flying through the sky.
OokamiD · Wed Aug 03, 2005 @ 05:05pm · 0 Comments |