Moonie's hall of fame
 Welcome to Moonie's Hall of Fame, where she herself nominates people who are nice and kind and sweet and generous and just awesome like that. To be nominated by Moonie, you must be:
&& Nice and kind && Awesome && Generous to others && Welcoming && Sweet && loved by Moonie profusely.
CARDBOARDBOXY Why?: She's my best friend too. That's all. <333 She's awesome mmkay? Don't make her sad. >>
SHINISTER Why?: She's awesome. a) she makes great profiles. b) she's nice, defensive of friends and funny. c) she's a great friend! &333 Go to her profile shop, mmkay?
BARA NO AO Why?: She's my best friend on Gaia, I can tell you that. Besides being of the first profile customers I've ever had, she still hangs out at her friends shops. She has a charity too. Go to it! She's so nice, welcoming, and supportive of all her friends. She's gone through hardships that I would never DREAM of facing myself, yet she stood firm, and she's standing even higher than before. ;DD Nice girl, eh? I thought so.
CERULEANFE Why?: FE is just awesome, obviously. I met her while playing pinball with her and her sister, LOD. C: She was so nice! &333 She's the only person who goes on gmail and chats with people there (like me). XD Since I don't go on AIM that much. lulz. Yeah~ She's supportive, and she's always willing to help a friend! Awesome huh?
BARA NO PINKU Why?: Kristy is so sweet, it kills me. XD She's younger than I am, but she's just...different from a lot of people I know her age. 1) she's not stuck up like the other people her age at my school. 2) she's so sweet. 3) she likes pink, I think. 4) she's so awesome! Supportive and awesome and sweet and CUTE! That's like, CUATRO POWER THAR MISSY. Keep it up!
27UBI_CARITAS18 Why?: So dang awesome, dang it! My best IRL friend, behold! xD She's really hyper [ummm.] but in a good away of course. If she kept going on her first account (in 2005), I bet she would be richer than me! She's really determined and dedicated, unlike me. I've learned lots from her! Okay. Determined, dedicated, awesome, and hyper. Dang, that's really...an interesting power combination. XDD
KAZUE Why?: Kazue is so awesome... Everyone here is awesome. XD She just had some major injury... But she can type with one hand, so it's all good. cool Awesome profile maker, here's her profile shop. She has great taste for everything, colors, music, themes...etc.! So amazingly supportive and polite. &333 Supportive, polite, great taste, and awesome. Wowwww~
HEART MIND AND SOUL Why?: We were gonna get married but she sort of went on hiatus again. && She's so nice, talented, and has lots of brains. 8DD Her vocabulary is very extensive too, and so creative! :'DD She's really busy though, so I only get to see her in the summer, which sucks a lot. :[ Brains, talent, nice, creative, extensive vocabulary. Ooo! I like the sound of that. 8D
LIIXI Why?: My inspiration, of course! She is sort of my profile role model, for like 2 years. XD Her talent is amazing, and yeah...She has an auction and a profile shop. Amazingly gorgeous profiler and vexel artist! &333 Vexel artist, gorgeous, my role model, talent, and ... and... More later. XD
Posted by: Moonr!se Wed Apr 16, 2008 @ 12:03am