Serie can not go on much. Father will only let Serie play for 3o minutes. x: ---
Any way, Serie will now be accepting friendslist requests. Serie wants PMs. D: Here is the list of friends. And the key before. &3= Active, talks to Serie. &:&= Talks to Serie sometimes. &/3= Not active but was.
D: they changed the <>'s to &3
-DanteRX- : &3
-R.a.z.z.a.b.3.r.r.y- : &/3
Chana_joy : &3 [lost password but is xXdarknessrainXx]
DemonMiroku : &/3
Dr. Taffy :&3[sister]
Effin : &/3
kaori_fox : &3
Killer Snowflake : &/3
Killerkirb : &3
Kuka :&3
lokilucifer :&/3
Nagi-san2 :&3
Oinks :&3
PiNkLeMoN-aId : [Sorta kinda]&:&&3
purely_insane : &3 Serie.Bloo : Ha! Serie is on her own friendslist.&3
Spec!al : &:&
spongebob100 :&3[BFF in real life who sometimes goes on gaia]&:&
ThePurpleCow :&/3
TopNotchTongueTwister :&/3
xXDarknessRainXx : <3[Is Chana] [+Dancing_Tuna+] : <3 [Now and then]
Serie hopes you all will becomes friends with me. 'Specially all you </3's. D:
Woah. I wrote all that. Phew.
Abduct Bone Crazy · Thu Aug 11, 2005 @ 11:12pm · 7 Comments |