Here it is. The HQ for [SM] (shadow mavericks).
 Seems like nothing is there right?
 OMG where did they come from?
 Anyone who has played The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time should know what this is..
 Yup. It's the fairybow! Not a strong weapon but it's fun to have.
 Oops... I pressed a button.
 Want to summon a cyberdemon?
 Maybe not....
 I'MMA FIRIN MAI.... Ipods?
 Nice cool
 You can actually drive it too!
 This is weird... After I shoot this...
 I end up here...
 Then here. A control room! This room lets you change the background.
 Get rid of the stupid rocks...
 Make it day?
 What the hell?
 I'm underwater!
 Eww Burgerking.
 Ew I just ate some of the crappiest food on earth!
 I really have to pee....
 That's better!
 Nice car. cool
 What the eff!?
 Why because she has bongos?
 Sweet, you can actually change the music.
 Xbox 360.
 What's this?
 Hidden cameras...
Well there were some other notable things in this HQ. However I cannot post them on gaia because they include hentai. rofl People have that in their rooms. rofl
Comment please.
swordman2 · Fri May 16, 2008 @ 05:56pm · 2 Comments |