Well, school started today. stare Nothing interesting there, really. I really really dislike school, so I want to finish ASAP. I was going to try to get my bachelors degree, but I think I'm going to stop at my associates degree for now. There are different reasons really. For one, there are still a bunch of things I want to do for a career. So I figure that I'll get my degree in computer animation, which is my current interest, and do that for a little while. I don't want to work hard on a BA, then suddenly get bored of computer animation. At least with some sort of degree, I can get a decent job, you know? I don't want to waste my time on something I'm not going to really want. Since I want to be a voice actor too, I'm going to take some acting classes. I'm young, so I want to excercise my options. Another reason why I want my associates is so I can finally have a decent enough job to move out on my own. These days, my mom has REALLY been getting on my nerves, and I can't stay here like this. There's too much drama going on, and I'm not willing to volunteer to stay mixed in it. I want to move as fast as I can.
Well, I guess there's nothing else. See ya.
Jaiden Stryker · Tue Aug 16, 2005 @ 09:49am · 1 Comments |