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View User's Journal

The Truth.
Emotions. No Emotions.
Emotions are great, we all have them, without Emotions how could we love, and all those great feelings. but without emotions it keeps you from feeling Fear and all those feelings that terrify you.
Many of these kinda things we don't want to happen so quickly.
but its your choice if you want things to change in your life.

What would you rather choose?

a) Emotions
b) No Emotions

Its your choice. Tell me the reason so if you answer A or B.

User Comments: [2]
Phobos Dominus
Community Member

Wed Jun 25, 2008 @ 04:22am

B. because the last girl i dated took all of those emotions and ate them ._.

N 0 l3 0 D Y
Community Member

Wed Jul 09, 2008 @ 12:58am

A) Simply because if I were emotionless, I wouldn't be random ^^ And I wouldn't be able to piss you guys off. xD

User Comments: [2]