#8 A single 75-watt bulb gives more light than three 25-watt bulbs.
#21 Iceberg lettuce, until the 1920's, was called "crisphead".
#22 It takes an average of 90 suirts from a cow's udder to make a litre of milk.
#124 The mechanical shark in the movie "Jaws" was nicknamed Bruce.
#116 Sheep will not drink from running water.
#137 About 10kg of milk is needed to make one kilogram of natural cheese.
#150 Lizards communicate by doing push-ups.
#152 The main purpose of growing rice in flooded paddocks is to drown the weeds surrounding the seedlings.
#157 The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows.
#178 If you remove the pip, the flavour of the olive will be diminished.
#182 The art of mapmaking is older than the art of writing.
#232 Impurities in gemstones give them their colour.
#239 All hurricanes form over water and last for about 10 days.
#282 Six year olds laugh an average of 300 times a day. Adults laugh 15-100 times a day.
#289 Babies have taste buds all over their mouths, not just on their tongues.
#292 During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in England, egg whites were a popular form of laundry detergent.
#326 The oyster is usually ambisexual. It begins life as a male and becomes a female. It may go back and forth many times.
#347 Fish can get seasick.
#348 Tigers have striped skin not striped fur.
#349 One of the best ways to clean pewter is to rub with cabbage leaves.
#373 One thousand tonnes of meteor dust falls to earth each day.
#374 A skunk can be detected by a human over one kilometre away.
#375 A newborn hedgehog starts to get their spines within 24 hours of birth.
#376 Rats can swim for a kilometre without resating. They can also tread water for three days straight.
Lady Asrai · Wed Jul 02, 2008 @ 03:49am · 1 Comments |