Yeah. I hate her guts. I had an especially sucky four night trip to her house, and i hated her the majority of the time. I can stand her for one night, maybe two, but not four. If she could remember to bathe and brush her teeth while I'm there, maybe it would've been a little better, but she doesn't remember. It's not that she smells or anything, it's just that if she doesn't take a shower, I don't get a shower, and if she doesn't brush her teeth, I don't get to brush my teeth. Seriously, if I just decided to to take a shower while I was at her house, just whenever I felt like it, she'd look at me like I'd just bit the head off of a squirrel, and I wouldn't be surprised if I got in trouble with her mom. They're weird. But retailiated by taking her pants and her chapstick. Both have happy bunny on them. She doesn't know they're gone.
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