Sango is a yōkai slayer (taijiya) who hails from a village of professional yōkai slayers. Sango wields the Hiraikotsu, a massive boomerang made of yōkai bones, along with a broad repertoire of tools and tricks for battling yōkai. Sango's family was killed and her entire village destroyed by Naraku's yōkai so that Naraku could steal their jewel shards. He then blamed InuYasha and manipulated Sango into trying to kill him. When that ploy failed, Naraku used a shard of the Shikon Jewel to revive and control her little brother Kohaku, forcing him to fight InuYasha and company, and using him as a means by which to manipulate Sango. She seeks vengeance against Naraku, but her primary goal is to rescue Kohaku from Naraku's influence and somehow save his life. She has feelings for Miroku, although she is offended by his constant groping and lechery. Miroku eventually asks Sango to live with him and bear his children after Naraku is destroyed, which Sango agrees to. Sango means "Coral."
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