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Death Note blah

Community Member
Ristuka's Cutting Issue....
Soubi sighed contently when he finally put the key in the key-hole and unlocked the door. Ritsuka stood behind him and waited for the older man to open the door to let him in.

"Todaima..." Soubi murmured to himself and opened the door. He gestured to Ritsuka to get in and smiled at the raven haired boy. His heart swelled when he actually received a smile from Ritsuka who quickly got into the kitchen and started to search through Soubi's fridge.

"Hungry?" Soubi said with a smile after putting the suitcase in Ritsuka's room. Ritsuka froze in his motions and turned his head. His cheeks were slightly flushed when he shot Soubi an embarassed look.

"I hate the hospital-food..." He murmured and continued to search the fridge in a desperate hunt for something edible. Suddenly he found something.

"Aha!" He said with triumph in his voice. In his hand was a small cookie with small chocolate dots on it. He started to nibble it with excitement, as if it was the first time he had ever ate something like that before. With a satisfied sigh Ritsuka stuffed his mouth full with the cookie and quickly poured himself a glass of milk.
Soubi chuckled.

"Ritsuka... you know, if you want me to, I could cook you some noodles and tea." He said and lifted his hand to Ritsuka's chin. The boy stopped his chewing and stared at Soubi with a faint blush. Soubi smiled again and leaned in to kiss the crumble-covered cheeks. When he slowly licked Ritsuka's chin to get a taste of the crumbles that were stuck there, he heard the smaller boy gasp. He smirked and chuckled near Ritsuka's ear before whispering;

"You taste good, Ritsu-chan. I want to taste more of you."

He could nearly see the shivers that ran through the smaller boy's spine. He stood up and turned his back on Ritsuka.

"So, what flavor do you want?" He said with a cheerful voice, the sensual moment seemingly forgotten. Ritsuka stared at him.

"Huh?" He said and blushed furiously. Soubi chuckled.

"What flavor do you want? You wanted noodles, right? I have chicken, pork, and oriental." He murmured and bent forward, pretending to innocently search the fridge. He smirked inwardly. He knew exactly what pose he had.

Soubi could hear the teen swallow loudly, probably wanting to stretch out his hand and touch his a** with his young, innocent, virgin fingers. Soubi turned his head and smirked sexily at Ritsuka who didn't seem to be able to take his eyes off the blonde.

"Well?" He said with a low, husky voice. Ritsuka swallowed again. Then, at last, he managed to turn his head away.

"I-I don't care." He stuttered and sat down by the table. Soubi nodded and grabbed a bowl of chicken flavored noodles and started to heat some water.
He snickered to himself. He didn't know why he found it so tempting to tease the younger teen.

Although, he wanted Ritsuka to understand how much he loved him. In the end, there was one ultimate way to show affection. But did Ritsuka want that?
He remembered their first kiss, the terrified look on Ritsuka's face. Not really fear of Soubi, but fear of being loved.

'A-are you going to make my ears fall off?'

'Not until Ritsuka is a little bit older.'

Was Ritsuka old enough now?

Soubi swallowed and forced the small blush to vanish before he turned around to face the boy again. He smiled.

"Here you go." He put the bowl of noodles on the table and watched as he started to eat. No one said word. The only sound in the kitchen was the quiet slurping sound from the eating teen.

"Thank you." Ritsuka finally said and put the empty bowl aside. His ears hung down again and the gaze was stuck on the floor when he stood up and started to leave the room.

Before Ritsuka had time to run away, Soubi grabbed his wrist and pulled Ritsuka into his arms. He held him tightly.

"S-Soubi..." Ritsuka sounded unsure and his breath was a little bit faster than usual.

"I love you."

Ritsuka sighed softly and melted into the embrace. His arms found their way around Soubi’s waist.


"I'm done." Ritsuka's voice startled Soubi and almost made him spill paint on the 200-year-old painting that he was supposed to repair.

"Sou ka. That was fast." The blonde stood up and smiled towards Ritsuka. The dark haired boy smiled back.

"Yeah, but then again you didn't pack very much for me. It doesn't take a long time to unpack a t-shirt and a pair of jeans." Ritsuka smirked.

"O-oh? I'm sorry." Soubi laughed a bit and rubbed the back of his head.

"Don't worry about it." Ritsuka smiled and left the room. Soubi smiled and turned his attention to the painting again. He threw a quick glance at the clock and was surprised.

'Is it already 8 pm?'

He shook his head and sighed.

"Back to work..." He hummed to himself and started to paint. Suddenly he stopped.

What was that feeling? What was wrong? Then he heard it.

The faint sound of the shower. Somehow he knew that Ritsuka wasn't about to take a shower though. Ritsuka...

"Ritsuka?" Soubi knocked on the door and tried to sound calm, even though his heart raced with fear. What was the teen doing? The door was locked.

"Y-yeah?" A nervous voice answered. Ritsuka sounded almost more afraid than Soubi.

"What are you doing?" Soubi asked and cursed inwardly when he heard how worried he sounded. There was no answer. Soubi knocked again.

Still no answer. That was enough.

He knew exactly what Ritsuka was doing on the other side of the door. Soubi felt the panic spread through his body. He started to pull the doorknob even though he knew it was locked.

"Ritsuka! Open up!" He said with a panicked voice.

"S-Soubi... Don't come in!!" Ritsuka yelled from the other side of the door. He sounded just as panicked as Soubi.

"The hell I won't!" Soubi yelled back.

"Oh God, don't come in." Ritsuka cried. "Please, don't come..."

Soubi started to pound the door with his shoulder.

"No! Don't come in!" Ritsuka sounded absolutely terrified.

Suddenly the door started to give in to Soubi’s shoulder. It cracked and all of a sudden, it was open.

Soubi’s breath was heavy, filled with fear, panic and anger. He slowly entered the small room. The shower was still turned on. Ritsuka, however, was not in it.
He sat on the floor next to the shower. Eyes wide with fear, tears running down his cheeks.

Soubi gasped and put one hand to his mouth in shock. He felt his eyes turn warm and soon the first tear found its way down his chin.

Ritsuka's sleeves were pulled up to his elbows. His left hand still held a shaving knife; the blade was bloody. On Ritsuka's right wrist, two new red marks were visible. Small drops of blood made their way down Ritsuka's hand and fingers.
Ritsuka still stared wide-eyed at Soubi who stared back; tears falling down both of their cheeks.

"What the HELL are you doing!?" Soubi said with a trembling voice. The sound of Soubi's voice seemed to bring Ritsuka back from his frozen state. He exhaled slowly and glanced at his bloody wrist. Then he shut his eyes.

"I told not to come in..." He whispered. Soubi walked towards Ritsuka. He didn't seem to notice. Or maybe he just didn't care.

"Ritsuka... I... why did you..." Soubi managed to choke out before he hid his face in his hands and cried quietly.

Ritsuka didn't say anything. Soubi got down on his knees; it made him look so fragile, almost as if he was younger than Ritsuka. After several minutes of silent crying, Soubi finally looked up. Ritsuka's eyes were soaked in tears and he still looked terrified.

"Yes... I am useless... and now, I made you cry. I am truly useless." Ritsuka whispered, to himself it seemed. "She was right. And now she is... dead."

"Ritsuka! What are you talking about?" Soubi reached out his hand to touch Ritsuka's arm, but the boy yanked away.

"Don't touch me! I am not worth it!" Ritsuka hugged his knees and rested his forehead on them.

"Ritsu, I want... no, I need you to tell me just what the hell is wrong." Soubi scooted closer to the raven haired boy. Ritsuka was trembling and tried to look away when Soubi's face came closer to his own.

"I always feel so useless. I don't know what to do. But I love you, so I will never stop trying." His hand grabbed Ritsuka's chin and turned his face towards is own.


"Yes, Ritsuka? Please tell me..."

Ritsuka finally gave in. Soubi pulled him into a warm embrace and held the trembling boy.

"I-I can't. I just... "

"Tell me."

"Soouubi..." Ritsuka cried and hid his face in Soubi's shirt.

"Tell me." Soubi said again.

Ritsuka stopped trembling. His breathing became a bit calmer.

"Soubi, she... she was right, huh?" Ritsuka whispered.


"Mother. She was right, wasn't she?" Ritsuka whispered, his voice emotionless.

"About what?" Soubi caressed Ritsuka’s back.

"It's my fault that she is dead. I am really... really a bad child. Soubi, what if she was right? What if I'm some kind of demon?"

"No! Don't even think that!" Soubi whispered back. His arms hugged Ritsuka tighter.

"But... If it is true... then it's my fault that she is dead and I... I don't deserve to live." Ritsuka said slowly.

Soubi stared at him. Tears ran down Soubi's cheeks. Suddenly, Ritsuka seemed to notice this, as he lifted his hand to Soubi's chin and wiped the tears away.
Soubi sniffed and grabbed Ritsuka's hand in his own to make it stay on his chin. He leaned into it and closed his eyes.

"Soubi..." Ritsuka whispered and snuggled closer to the blonde.

"Ritsuka, listen to me. This is an old story from Kyoto. It's been said that demons came to earth to live with us and make our lives miserable. Maybe it was just for sheer fun. But demons are tricky bastards. They can make themselves look just like a human."

Ritsuka was breathing calmly and his hand clutched Soubi’s shirt as he continued to tell the story.

"So the samurais from the time of Edo didn't know what to do. They wanted to kill the demons, of course, but they didn't know how to tell the difference between humans and demons." Soubi caressed Ritsuka's back and kissed his hair before continuing.

"But then one day, a young priest figured out one thing. Love is an amazing gift from the gods. Gods and demons, of course, hate each other. Therefore, no demon could feel love, and neither could they receive any. To find out which ones were demons they simply asked the whole country if there was anyone who loved him. If there weren't, they killed him."

Ritsuka tensed. That was supposed to soothe him?

"'Simply' asked the whole country?" He snorted and shook his head. "I bet a lot of innocent people got killed."

"Yeah... maybe, but I'm sure a lot of demons were killed also." He put his finger under Ritsuka's chin and made the boy look at him.


"The point is... you can't be a demon. Your name may be 'Loveless', but I love you more than words can say." He gently stroke Ritsuka chin. The teen trembled as the last of his tears fell down to the floor and mixed with the blood.

"I love you too."


They stood at the balcony again. The cold air was teasing their arms and hair.
Ritsuka's arms were covered with new bandages. He held his teacup with slightly trembling fingers and watched Soubi smoke his cigarette.

He couldn't stop looking, and when Soubi finally met his gaze, he quickly turned his head away, desperately trying to hide his blush. Soubi snickered and threw his finished cigarette away. Then he took two small steps and suddenly he stood behind Ritsuka, who shivered from the cold air... and maybe something else?

He gently wrapped his arms around the teen and let his chin rest against Ritsuka's soft, black hair. Ritsuka sighed and finished his tea.

"Let's go inside." Soubi whispered, and even though he couldn't see Ritsuka's face, he knew he was blushing.

"W-why?" He whispered back.

"Because you'll catch a cold if we stand out here any longer." He grabbed Ritsuka's hand and went inside. He closed the balcony-door and gave Ritsuka a smile before the boy went into the kitchen to wash his cup.

"Ritsu?" Soubi called while he admired the view from the large windows.


"We should go to bed now." He said, turning around and facing Ritsuka who just got out of the kitchen. Ritsuka nodded and tried to smile.

"Yeah." He turned his back on Soubi and slowly pulled of his shirt to switch to his large flannel shirt.

Soubi clamped his teeth shut at the sight and turned around, trying to make his blush go away. He had only had a quick glance at Ritsuka's slender back, but even such a simple view was something that could keep Soubi up for the rest of the night.

He quickly switched to his big pajama-pants and was just about to put his large t-shirt on when he turned around. Ritsuka was staring at him, eyes filled with lust, even though the teen tried to hide that fact by quickly closing his eyes and turning his head away.

Soubi could barely stand this. He left the t-shirt on the floor and slowly went towards Ritsuka. The raven haired boy heard the steps approach and snapped his eyes open.

Soubi was standing before him, just inches away. He looked Ritsuka straight in the eyes and slowly bent down to Ritsuka's face.

Ritsuka stretched his neck and met Soubi's lips in a soft, tender kiss. Soon the kisses turned more and more intense and Soubi heard Ritsuka let out a small moan.

He broke the kiss and they just looked upon each other. The large flannel shirt he was wearing almost reached down his knees. Suddenly Ritsuka smiled a bit. Or maybe it was a smirk?

"Are you going to make my ears fall off?" He whispered with a voice that was... seductive. Soubi blushed and swallowed.

"Is Ritsuka old enough for that?" He whispered back. Ritsuka took his glasses off and kissed Soubi on the lips. It was Soubi's turn to moan. He didn't know why he never noticed it before, but Ritsuka sure knew how to be sensual. The teen was just full of surprises.

"Hell yes." He answered.

Ritsuka sat on Soubi's bed, looking up, meeting Soubi's gaze. Soubi swallowed. Ritsuka's face held so many different emotions. The teen managed to look shy and innocent at the same time as he held the same expression of a seductive woman.

Soubi shivered and bent down, he slowly began to unbutton Ritsuka's shirt and once it was gone, he snuggled against the teen, kissing his collarbone, his neck, everything he could get his lips on.

Ritsuka moaned and buried his hands in Soubi's hair, trying to make him stay right there. But Soubi had other intentions.

He pushed the boy onto the bed and crawled after him. Ritsuka’s breath became quicker.

"Are you sure about this?" Soubi whispered and gave his boyfriend a concerned look.

"Baka, if I weren't, I wouldn't have gone this far." Ritsuka said and gave Soubi a small, nervous smile. Soubi smiled back and kissed Ritsuka, first on the lips, but then his kisses went to the boy’s neck, and then, suddenly Soubi's mouth was cradling his n****e.

"Aah... S-Soubii..." Ritsuka wrapped his arms around Soubi’s neck. Soubi smiled and continued to suck on the erect n****e. His hands were roaming over Ritsuka's body, his stomach, his hips, his thighs. Ritsuka was panting now.

"Please, Soubi..." He whined.

Soubi got the message and slowly started to let his hand caress the area just above Ritsuka's underwear. Ritsuka panted softly and trembled with impatience. Then Soubi laid his hand on Ritsuka's quite obvious erection and slowly stroked it through the thin cloth.

"O-Oh... god..." Ritsuka whispered. He arched his back when Soubi did it again, a little harder, and let out a moan.

"You are so beautiful, Ritsuka." Soubi murmured and kissed the teen’s bellybutton. He felt Ritsuka's hand run through his hair again and smiled softly.
Then he slowly began to pull the underwear down Ritsuka's thighs.

Ritsuka sat up a little, leaning on his elbows as he watched Soubi undress him. He blushed madly when the erection sprung free and he turned his face away.
Soubi threw the underwear away and stared at Ritsuka's c**k. It was hypnotizing. Red, dripping and arching. Ritsuka was just as big as Soubi thought.

'My my...Big for his age.'

Soubi barely noticed his own tongue slip out and wet his lips, as if he was looking at a delicious cake.

Ritsuka grew tired of waiting and suddenly crawled over to Soubi, pushing him back a little bit, and kissed him with eager lips. Soubi let out a content sigh and leaned his forehead on Ritsuka's shoulder as the teen started to undo his pants. Unable to control himself, Ritsuka slipped his hands inside of the underwear and gently squeezed the blonde's a**.

Soubi gasped and shivered. Excited by this reaction, Ritsuka became even bolder and pushed Soubi back until the man was practically lying down completely.

Soubi was leaning on his elbows and stared at Ritsuka who was busy trying to pull his pants down. Soubi smirked and lifted his back off of the bed, making it a lot easier for Ritsuka to undress him.

He was completely naked now, under the lusty raven haired boy’s gaze. Soubi swallowed and tried not to blush too much, but it was difficult. Ritsuka was staring at him as if he wanted nothing more than to jump him. Ritsuka crawled closer and leaned forward until he was only a few inches from Soubi's erection.

"R-Ritsu..?" Soubi stuttered, not believing his eyes as Ritsuka leaned closer and closer to his hardness. Was Ritsuka about to do what Soubi thought he was about to do?

Ritsuka's tounge slipped out and gave the wet head a testing lick. Soubi moaned and arched his back a little. Oh, the sensation... the fire!

"Did that feel good?" Ritsuka asked with a husky voice. Soubi trembled.

"Y-Yes..." He answered and whimpered a bit when Ritsuka gently caressed the pulsing limb with his small digits.

"P-please... don't torture me like this, Ritsuu..." He whined.

The next second he was crying out in bliss when Ritsuka finally took as much of him as he could into his mouth. Any leftovers were stroked and squeezed by his hand.

Soubi shivered as a small, talented tongue whirled around his shaft, causing his legs to spasm in pleasure. The blonde buried his long fingers in Ritsuka's hair as the teen started to bob his head up and down Soubi's d**k.

"Ah... ah! F-faster..." Soubi begged hoarsely. Ritsuka obeyed. "Oh god... yesss..."

Soubi lifted one of the hands he had used to stroke Ritsuka's hair to his left n****e and started to add himself pleasure. Soon his hips started to make small thrusts into Ritsuka hot mouth. He was so close.

"O-oh... god that feels g-good... AH! Ritsu..." Ritsuka started to caress Soubi's balls. It was driving the blonde crazy and far over the edge. He screamed as he came.

"AH!! AAHhh!! ********..." He panted. Almost too tired to even breathe, he looked down to his young lover. Ritsuka smiled at him, licking his lips after swallowing Soubi’s fluid. Soubi blushed furiously and stared at Ritsuka.

"Mmh, you taste good too, Sou-chan." He purred and leaned forward to kiss Soubi.

Soubi panted and stared at Ritsuka with a shocked expression.

"Are... are you sure... you've never done anything like that before?" He said quietly and blinked a couple of times. Ritsuka smiled.

"Nope. You were the first." He answered and sat up, crawling closer to Soubi.

"Did it feel good?" Ritsuka asked with a teasing voice, even though the answer was quite obvious.

"...yeah. It felt damn good." Soubi smiled and cupped Ritsuka's face with his palms. "Do you wanna feel good too?" He purred.

He was pleased to see Ritsuka's cheeks go red and the teen suddenly didn't seem quite so sure of himself anymore.

"W-well... that's... I mean.... it's up to you, right?" He said quietly. Soubi smiled and kissed his lover softly on the lips.

"Then it's settled." He shifted their position quickly and soon, it was Ritsuka who was at the bottom.

Soubi started to kiss Ritsuka's neck and at the same time, he let his hands explore Ritsuka's body. One of the hands circulated Ritsuka's n****e and gently pinched it a little.

Ritsuka hissed with pleasure and moaned. His legs soon parted and gave Soubi more room. They were so close to each other.

Soubi's semi-erect c**k was touching Ritsuka's hard-on several times and soon, the teen got impatient again. Ritsuka groaned and pulled Soubi's head from his neck.

"Enough." He said firmly and planted a soft kiss on Soubi’s lips. Soubi moaned and felt himself grow harder.

"Fine." He whispered hoarsely and smirked.

Ritsuka panted heavily. His legs were parted as much as he could spread them and his eyes were shut tightly.

"S-Soubi..." He murmured. Soubi smiled and looked up to Ritsuka. He smirked when he saw the pleasure in Ritsuka's face and continued to lick the puckered hole.

It made Ritsuka shudder every time he did it. It was even more pleasing to see the raven haired boy open his mouth in a silent scream when he suddenly thrust his tongue into the tight hole.

'He's so beautiful...'

"s**t! S-Soubi..." Ritsuka moaned and bucked his hips downwards, trying to press himself further down onto Soubi hot tongue.

He whimpered, clearly disappointed, when Soubi pulled his tongue out of him. But since Soubi gave him the sexiest smile he had ever seen, he suppressed his protests and watched as Soubi made himself ready.

'God... I'm gonna get it... for real!'

Soubi licked his own finger and gave Ritsuka a concerned look.

"Brace yourself." He whispered before thrusting the digit into the amazing heat.

Ritsuka tensed and whimpered.

"Does it hurt?" Soubi asked, worried that he had caused his lover pain. Ritsuka shook his head.

"N-no... i-it feels really... really weird though... really weird..." He murmured and panted even harder. Soubi gave a weak smile and added a second finger.

Ritsuka whimpered again and started to tremble slightly. Soubi tried to soothe his lover with kisses on his jaw, his neck and his chest, before finally adding a third finger and then started to make scissor-motions with them, stretching Ritsuka as much as possible for minimal pain afterwards.

"Ah! I-itaii (oh god in japanese)..." Ritsuka’s eyes squinted again after having them wide open from the third digit's intrusion. His back was arching.

"It'll be better soon." Soubi whispered and kissed Ritsuka on the lips.

"D-don't worry... j-just do it!" Ritsuka hissed and clenched his jaw. Soubi nodded and since his c**k still was wet from Ritsuka's b*****b, he didn't have to add lube this time.

"Here I go." He said and placed his drooling c**k against Ritsuka's opening.

Then he started to thrust in slowly. Ritsuka moaned in pain.

"Oh... God..." Small tears fell from his eyes and Soubi licked them away.

The heat from Ritsuka was amazing. It felt so good, although the teen didn't seem to share his pleasure. Ritsuka trashed his head from one side to the other.
His hands clenched to Soubi’s arms as if he was going to die if he let them go. Soubi continued to kiss the boy and whispered sweet nothings in his ears.
At last, he was buried to the base and trembling like mad. Ritsuka still whimpered but didn't seem to be in the same state of pain any more.

"Tell me when you're ready, sweetie." Soubi whispered and closed his eyes in concentration. It took all of his willpower to prevent himself from pounding Ritsuka into the mattress but he had to wait, or else, the teen might never recover.

Ritsuka forced himself to breathe calmly and relax. The pain was fading and the sensation that replaced it felt... rather good.

"Soubi..." Ritsuka murmured. "Move." He wiggled his hips and caused Soubi to hiss with pleasure. The blonde withdrew almost completely before shoving himself back into Ritsuka.

Hitting a... spot?

What was that... it's tingling... Oh. My. GOD.

"AAAhhh! God, Soubii... d-do that again!" Ritsuka's legs wrapped themselves around Soubi's waist and tried to pull him closer.

Soubi smirked. He had found that spot... the golden spot that was going to make Ritsuka cry out in total bliss. He withdraw almost completely and then buried himself again.

Ritsuka writhed in pleasure; he had hit the spot again. Soubi smiled, he started to get used to where Ritsuka's g-spot was.

"Oh kami-sama... god that felt good..." Ritsuka murmured, eyes shut in bliss. His arms still clutched Soubi's, but when Soubi settled in a rhythm, slow and raising, he let go of the arms and instead clutched the sheets. Soubi moaned with pleasure. He felt his own toes curl from the sensations.

"Oh... Rit-Ritsuu..." He managed to squeak out.

"Oh God... please! S-Soubi, please!" Ritsuka pleaded, he started to wiggle his hips. Soubi hissed.


"********! ******** me faster, god damnit!" Ritsuka pulled his hair and kissed him almost violently. The raw need in his eyes made Soubi's c**k twitch with lust.
The blonde smirked.

"Fine." He started to pound him faster, buried himself in his lover with a new speed. Ritsuka practically screamed with pleasure. His a** started to pound back, almost desperately.

*thump, squeak, thump, squeak*

'I wonder when the bed will give out...'

"Yes! T-There... Right THERE!! Kami-samaaa..." Ritsuka pushed his hips towards Soubi and set a new rhythm, even faster.

"Harder... PLEASE!!" Ritsuka screamed, on the edge of release. Soubi followed him and pounded into the teen with new strength. Slapping sounds were mixed with the throaty moans that echoed through the room.

"God... Ritsu... you're so, hot, and tight... and wet... and.. Oh GOD!"
He pulled Ritsuka up into his lap so that he faced Ritsulka and gave him a hard kiss.

Ritsuka held onto his neck for support with one hand. The other hand had already made its way down to his erection. The younger lover started to stroke himself, hard and quick, in time with their thrusts.

"Oh ********! Yes!" Ritsuka hissed and started to grind himself harder onto Soubi's c**k. "Don't stop, wh-what ever.. you do!!" Ritsuka choked out.

Soubi chuckled through his moans.

"Are you crazy?" He said and continued to pound into his lover. Ritsuka rubbed his own p***s and grinded hard onto Soubi’s hard c**k and moaned loader every time he did so.

"G-god... yes... oh ******** s**t, I don't want this to stop!" Ritsuka yelled but didn't seem to be able to stop himself from grinding himself on Soubi's erection.

"Just let go, baby... I promise, this won't be the last time we do this!" Soubi whispered and closed his eyes. Ritsuka's grinding was almost too much for him to handle.

"Oh...Ah-Ohh...Oh Goood YEEEAASS!!!" Ritsuka pulled Soubi’s hair and wrapped his legs tightly around Soubi's torso while he released all over both of their stomachs. The teen jerked and twitched and tensed while he orgasmed.

The big purple eyes were shut tightly. Soubi followed the teen just a few seconds after, filling that tight hole with his hot c**. The exploding sensations of that orgasm made his vision blur and for a few seconds he could only see a strange white light.

"Ooohh... Gods, Ritsuuu..." He moaned and kissed Ritsuka in the crook of his neck. "I love you so much."

A few minutes went by while they recovered. No one moved or said a word. Ritsuka clung to Soubi's neck and didn't seem to be in the mood for moving, so Soubi let him stay there. He honestly didn't mind at all. His arms were wrapped around the boy’s back. Their bodies were so close. Their frames touched each other's.

Soubi was still inside of Ritsuka. Soubi started to rub Ritsuka's back. He nuzzled his nose into Ritsuka's hair and inhaled, smelling Ritsuka's shampoo. Ritsuka shivered, and was still trembling from the powerful love-making. His arms loosened a bit from Soubi's neck, but didn't let go.

Suddenly the teen's back started to twitch, and small, sniffing sounds came from the younger male. Ritsuka withdrew, still sitting in Soubi's lap, but his arms were no longer around Soubi's neck. The teen had hid his crying face in his hands.
Soubi felt warm when he felt Ritsuka's knees hug his waist with affection, as if the boy didn't want him to go away, even though he didn't want to show his tears.
Soubi smiled and let Ritsuka cry in silence. He put his forehead to Ritsuka's fingers that were now rather wet with both sweat, c** and tears.

They stayed like that for a while. Soubi wanted Ritsuka to take the next step, since he didn't want to put pressure on the boy.

Suddenly the hands disappeared from Ritsuka's face and Soubi found himself staring into Ritsuka's big, purple eyes while the teen pressed his lips hard onto Soubi's. Soon both of their eyes started to close and they kissed, passionate, loving.

Slowly they parted. A small string of saliva was still connecting them. Ritsuka licked his lips with a face that looked as if he found sugar there. Then he looked up into Soubi's gently smiling face and smiled back.

"Don't you ever leave me." He said, trying to make his voice serious and steady, but it was trembling and almost came out as a whisper.

"Don't worry." Soubi kissed Ritsuka again. "Never."


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