How to do custom sections!
Lots of people are confused about this in my shop, so I'll teach you how to put your links or text in to the custom sections in your profile code!
In the code, your custom section(s) are under these tags:
#about ol
#about ol ol
#about ol ol ol
And so on and so forth. C:
The term: ol, stands for Ordered lists.
For every ol, there is one custom section.
So each ol stands for like, Custom section #1 (has one ol), Custom section #2 (has two ol's)
And so on and so forth again.
If your code only has #about ol, then you only have 1 custom section.
If your code has #about ol and #about ol ol, you have 2 custom sections.
If your code has #about ol, #about ol ol, and #about ol ol ol, then you have THREE custom sections.
Confusing? I hope not. XD
Now, how do I 'install' the custom section?
Go to the place where you type your About Me text.
Under all your About me info, you put:
Hi my name is Moonie, blah blah blah.....
<insert rest of about me text here>
Yeah. And that's it about me!
[list=1]Hey! This is my patch/quilt/updates section![/list]
In other words
Under the last sentence of your About me text, you plug in:
[list=1]<Custom section text here>[/list]
Now going back to what I said before
If you have #about ol, you only need
[list=1]<Custom section text here!>[/list]
If you have #about ol ol, you need:
[list=1][list=1]<Custom section text here!>[/list][/list]
IMAGE SAMPLE w/ one custom section
And so on and so forth again.
Hope this helps you!
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