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Day one: My summer adventures
Well this my first time doing one of these things, and I guess I will just tell you about my summer. First off it was a really chilled out summer. But it was tons. The only downside was my best friend got grounded for half of the summer for beer. So it was like I just was on Gaia more often then. All though that beach trip I went on recently was exciteing. I finnaly got to see my friends from Ohio again, that was fun. Oh and I discover a new favorite TV show it is called Hogans Heros, It on TVland from 5:00 to 6:00pm EST. Yea that was pretty much all that happened during the second half of my summer. The first half was pretty fum though cause, me and my best friend matt beckwith( he is my top friend on Gaia too, but he hasn't been on lately.) just chilled alot, and went some places I dont fell like discussing. And that is pretty much what I did all summer yea I know sounds kinda boreing. But I make another in a week or tommorrow I haven't decided on of this will be daily, weekly, or just when ever.

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  • [08/17/08 07:17am]