Name: Alexis [insert uberr last name here]
Birthdate: 1/14
Birthplace: California
Current Location: Friggin stalkers
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair Color: Black
Height: short-f0 sh0
Piercings: my ears only
Tatoos: i wanna rose
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: I Can't Right Now ~ my parents say no

Food: Anything In The Pantry That's Edible
Candy: skittles
Number: if i said so i wouldnt be lucky
Color: green ehe=)
Animal: ummm. im thinkin bout a dog
Drink: im craving mountain dew
Alcohol Drink: no, and im not plannin on it, i dont wanna see how it feels like to be a hangover
Bagel: not really, im more into doughnuts
Letter: um..a?
Body Part on Opposite sex:abs, and smile
This or That: that
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
McDonalds or Burgerking: pshhh. Carl's jr!
Strawberry or Watermelon: both
Hot tea or Ice tea: Iced Tea
Chocolate or Vanilla: Choclate
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: Both
Kiss or Hug: that depends..who are you??
Dog or Cat: Puppies
Rap or Punk: ummm, they're both ok
Summer or Winter: both
Scary Movies or Funny Movies:scary-screamin burns off calories, funny-laughing burns off calories
Love or Money: Love

Bedtime: whenever i feel like it
Most Missed Memory: going down the slide of my cousin's jumphouse
Best phyiscal feature: double jointed
First Thought Waking Up: i gotta go potty!
Goal for this year: lose some weight be not so conscious about my weight
Best Friends: I Can't Name Them All
Weakness: chocolate, pepsi, pasta
Fears: Dieing
Heritage: filipino bby <3
Longest relationship: hasnt happened yet!!

Ever Drank: Water ~ chyeah
Ever Smoked: no i dont wanna be a crackwhore
Pot: nononono
Ever been Drunk: hmmm-ummm i drank lots of soda??
Ever been beaten up: no i dont think so
Ever beaten someone up: no i cant even try
Ever Shoplifted: no...but i tried bubble gum
Ever Skinny Dipped:, you fool!!!
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: still waiting...
Been Dumped Lately: no, but im not plannin on it

Number of Regrets in the Past: erg..too many
What country do you want to Visit: paris
How do you want to Die: peacefully, y'all
Been to the Mall Lately: yeah
Do you like Thunderstorms: yeah...they're ok
Get along with your Parents: yeah..we all love each other
Health Freak: kinda..i constantly watch what i eat
Do you think your Attractive: uhhh. not really
Believe in Yourself: sometimes when my self-esteem isnt so low
Want to go to College: mhm
Do you Smoke: I Already Said No
Do you Drink: awww jeez, what did i just say?? scream
Shower Daily: yeah!!
Been in Love: Yes
Do you Sing: yeah in the shower
Want to get Married: When I Find The Right Guy
Do you want Children: 1
Have your future kids names planned out: yeah.."leah" sounds like a good girl's name, still deciding on a boys..
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: married, gotta stay pure
Hate anyone: no..but there are some who hate me that i avoid so nothing happens

ehe hi susan!!!
luffs you~lexi