"I love you"
Three simple words that mean so much, so little, and so many different things.
Webster defines love as: 1: Strong affection 2: Warm attachment 3: Attraction based on sexual desire 4: A beloved person 5: Unselfish, loyal and benevolent concern for others 6: A score of "zero" in tennis.
Funny, but no where does it say: 1. Undying need to tie oneself to another person 2. The act of committing to another person 3. I am now yours to have for eternity 4. Because I said "I love you" you must now never speak to or look at another person of the opposite sex 4. I am officially stalking you and want to have/sire your future children.
I think you can see where I am going here.
Going by Webster's definitions of love, I find myself saying "I love you" to many different people and for many different reasons.
So.... I will say "I love you" to:
My children, my husband, my large extended family, my very close friends, my friends in general ...as I do love these people.
But... I also would say "I love you" to:
The guy at Barnes and Noble who saved me the last copy of my favorite European magazine.
The box boy at the supermarket who DIDN'T call me ma'am...or ask if I need assistance to my car.
The schoolteacher who went out of their way to help my child or me.
The assistant at Abercrombie who went into the back and shuffled through 5 boxes to find my size.
The pizza man who got there in 20 minutes and had change for a $50 and didn't complain.
The person who slides over one seat in the theater so that there is enough seats for my group.
The waiter who doesn't complain when everyone makes a special request and keeps my drink full.
As you can see the list is endless...
For some reason it is more accepted to say "I love you" when written or expressed in a "cutesy" way:
I luv u
Luv you
Love ya
Guess what.... it still says the same thing.
Webster gave us a wide range of emotions in the word "love". Warm attachment to sexual desire encompasses so many people in our daily lives. So when I tell you "I love you" please don't become upset, concerned, euphoric or freaked. It just means that you have touched me in some way.... and I am glad to have you as my friend.
Oh...and by the way...I love you!
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Ah the Power of Words!
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