All you ever wanted to know...
I have a few questions I want to know and if anyone knows the answers, please tell me. sweatdrop
1. Why are hamburgers called hamburgers, if they are made from beef? question
2. Why are red onions called red onions if they are purple? xd
3. Is there any truth to the five second rule? rolleyes
4. How long does swallowed bubblegum stay in your stomach? xp
5. Does an apple a day really keep the doctor away? confused
6. How dirty is double-dipping? eek
7. They say that grapeskins have lots of anti-oxidants, and alchohol is bad for would red wine be good or bad? cheese_whine
(P.S. As soon as you read this, tell me what you think the answers are! It would help me A LOT!! mrgreen )
Kimi-chan x3 · Mon Sep 08, 2008 @ 11:19pm · 1 Comments |