Ah, so a life dream has been completed. This dream involves a book. No, my novel hasn't been published. Yet. I'm working on it, it's just getting harder and harder to find time.
No, this dream comes to my half sister, Barbara. She's accomplished her goal, and I am so proud of her! For the longest time she's wanted to create a book of her own and follow her path of destiny by publishing it.
Yes, it's true! You can finally buy AND read her fantastic book!
It's a romance with a bit of a fantasy element. If you like the idea of soul displacement or time traveling spiritually, then this is the book for you. It deals with the hard and cruel wiles and realities of today, and gives it such a beautiful, tender and hopeful light that it's simply a superb read! I got to edit a part of her book and, instantly, I was drawn into the whirling events. The plot MADE you want to continue to read.
Normally... I'm not a big fan of romances. To be honest, I can't stand even most chick flicks. Titanic? Forget it! Never even wanted to watch it. As far as this book is concerned (and I'm not being biased simply because she's my sister) is that I absolutely LOVE it. This kind of romance isn't cliche'. This type of love seen in the book is hardly been touched upon in any book genre!
Half of the book taking place with a young, struggling mother in America, the other half lays in the rolling land of the Ireland with a lonely, lost man. Both are seeking a type of fulfillment in their life that we, as humans, can only dream about.
...And dream they do.
Dreams can sometimes become realities, and thusly, this book draws on that fact. One can wake from a dream, and know that it was completely real. Everything that had happened, and all that had been said, was real.
Intrigued? You should be! It's a wholly entertaining and fantastically constructed book! Heck, as soon as I found out it was published I bought myself a copy! To be frank, I can't stand the thought of waiting to read it. I'm that excited to read how the book ends!!
The book's title is A Window in a Window, and it's written by my sister, Barbara E. Johnson. You can buy it at any Boarders, Barnes & Noble, or any other major bookstore around. It was published by Outskirts Press, the company I'm looking to publish mine.
If you want to check out the book and (perhaps) buy a copy, here are some important links you should probably check out:
Amazon (to order from online. My advice? Use Paypal. That's is how I did it smile http://www.amazon.com/Window-Barbara-Johnson/dp/1432727877/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1220841228&sr=8-1
Actual Outskirts page about the book: http://outskirtspress.com/webpage.php?isbn=9781432727871
My sister's user name on Gaia: Fearless Aramis
heart Peace out, ya'll! heart
SIS, I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!!! Give her a big congratulations sometime! She's earned it!!
Community Member
You are awsome! Thank you so much for the atta boys! It has been fun writing and I am about a quarter done witrh the next in the series...made it too short LOL!
LOve your page! How about you getting yours done and then I can brag!!!! Yea all, she hasd a wicked book comming out hopefguly soon and I will tell ya, it isnt for the faint of heart!
LOve ya kid!