-writer-...finally...a new story come to mind.. -dark-.....not really -writer-...go suck a domo -dark-....U......U.....MAKE FUN OF THE DOMO..!!? -writer-...what...? -dark-...Fu*k u!! -writer-...excuse while i make my avi wear panties and a wig micheal jackson jack off from -dark-.NONONONONONO NOOOOOOOOO!!!
*As we began to build our boat, Dark looked at the sky. He started to watch the sun set* -dark-..ahh beautiful..this is how a end of a journey should feel like no? -cross-..yeah man...lets check on the other and see if we got enough supplies.. -dark-..alright...shady u coming -shady-...*dazed* -dark-...shady....what r u looking at?.... -shady-..look.....a mermaid....a hot mermaid...
 -dark and cross-...HOLY SNAP....SHE IS HOT!! -ray-...what r u guys doing over here... -dark-...nope srry....only viewable for the men....except yosh -all the girls-...what only viewable for men -dark-...uhh...ummmm.....cross help me out here!!! -cross-...THE EXPLAINABLE MAN!!!!.... -dark-..? -all girls-..? -cross-...docta jones..? -dark-..........shady help here -shady-...NO KEEP ME OUT OF IT.. -dark-...ur already in it!!!.......dammit -sha-...WHOA...that lady is praticlly naked!!! -girls-...WHA...!....u perverts!!! -dark-.... -shady-..... -cross-....why r we standing here....RUN!!!!! -dark and shady-..WE...WE CAN'T...THEY ARE STARING WITH THE COLD BLOODED EYES MAN!!! -cross-..DAMMIT ALL TO HELL.....CLOSE UR EYES AND RUN RANDOMLY AROUND... -dark and shady-...OKKK!! *then they all run into sha,ray, and rayj boobs* -ray, sha, and rayj-..... eek evil evil evil evil
 (the best way i can explain their anger) -cross-....seriously guys.....run! -dark-.....*ran 5 secs ago* -shady-...*ran 1 min ago*
*cross started to run after them while the girls was chasing them* -5 mins later-
-dark-...Fu*k..where do we go....WHERE DO WE GO1!!? -shady-shh!!! -cross-.....*huff,huff*....look....a cave.......lets go in and hide.. *They enter the cave and find something strange* -cross-........hmm...... -shady-what the hell is that -dark-....a egg beater...or a.....DARKWING DUCK!! -cross-*slaps dark on the back of the head*.. -dark-.....ow... -shady-......looks like some kind of dark portal....
 -cross-.....*gets a stick and pokes it*..... -dark-.... -shady-.... -cross-......ah!.. -dark-what wrong!? -cross-my stick broke... -dark-.....well forget it....lets just go before those girls break our.."sticks" -shady-...im not holding a stick... -dark-of course ur not..... -shady-....*thinking mode*... -cross-.........sticks man........sticks... -dark-....thinking of no sticks....where's yosh? -cross-....probably molesting that hot mermaid cuz he got 100 luck points... -shady-...sticks.....sticks... -dark-....right...he is extremely lu- -shady-..sticks....sticks... -dark-.....I MEANT UR CHIN CHIN!! -shady-....my chin....? -dark-....chin chin means a word that's not suitable for a man to talk a lot about to other men...but to girls...or women.. -shady-...word.....word... -cross-.....ur a douchebag -shady-....OH UR- -dark-SHUT UP .....YES THAT... -cross-....the fu*k u got that from douchebag.. -dark-...SCREW IT LETS JUST GO!!!
-yosh-....where are they....i need that supples to finish the plane... *As yosh stood there waiting...he saw something in the sky, it was a big, blurry object, but definitely bright* -yosh- is that a meteor!?...i have to warn the others!!!!
to be con
thedarkone15 · Wed Sep 10, 2008 @ 03:05am · 31 Comments |