Name: Kamio, Misuzu (last, first)(Original name: Kannabi no Mikoto)
Age: ....uh.....
Gender: Female
Family: Haruko Kamio("mother"
wink Info: Misuzu looks like your average normal everyday girl, but in truth shes far from it. From a land hidden within the clouds and wings to prove it, though they are hidden more now than they were back than. Why isn't she still there you may wonder? Well simple because one day when out singing, yes singing, she was attacked. Shoved down, wings forcefully broken and shoved off the "ground" she feel down to where she is now. When she feel though somehow she physically changed, from dark black hair to bright golden blonde. Which you know might question, is her mother really related to her? No, after having given herself a little time to rest she walked untill she came to a house going in and find Haruko, after telling Haruko she had no home or family, looking like a little girl, Haruko has let her stay claiming her to her daughter. Misuzu still loves the sky though loves going to a point and extending her arms and enjoying the wing, almost looking like an angle, which is what most people think are where Misuzu came from....(link to the song she sings at the bottom of the page)
Misuzu: Haruko: Kannabi: