ummmm...'Ello There! ^_^' ...ummm....NC-Chan Said she was going to be a little bit Late soooo....I'm Kisame, And this is---
Shouldn't they already know who you are?
ITACHI!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Holy Snot-Bucket! Your scared the crap out of me!
'snot-bucket'? 'crap'? What odd words your using today, Kisame-Kun...
Well, Itachi, NC Was running late so I was---She still knows how to run? That shocks me. *Poker Face*
Yeah,...I can tell... Anyway! I told NC-Chan I'd stale for her ^^
you doing a good job at that, see? The readers are only half-way asleep. their at the stage of sleep where they'll wake up when poked with a large twig
Wh-What!?! Well, How do I wake Them Up!??! I can't really do anything to get them up, Can I?
Do something crazy. That'll get their attention
Like what!?!?!?
Oh, I don't know....Whatever you can think of first
OKAY! *Kisses Itachi*
...((sry, Itchi's not saying anything because I think He Died From the Shock. So, Kisame's kissing a Dead Guy >w< wink )
*walks throw the doors* Hey, Kisame!! Thanks for helpin--WHAT!!?!? ARE YOU DRUNK!?!?!!???!?
*Quickly Stops Kissing Dead Itachi* IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK!!!!!!
I DON'T CARE! JUST DON'T STOP!!! I'M GETTING A CAMERA!!!!!!!!! WE CAN SELL THE PIC ON EBAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Runs off to get Camera*
Hell To The No You Will Not!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Runs after Her* brain hurts.......Xp
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