The More quilifed
Ok I am gonna be straight up with you right now I ain't Racist. I am sick and tired of the hard workin man losing his Job to a Big Black ******. Oh your really quilifed uh huh your all good and stuff(THEN BLAME) a Black guy gets your job because he is black. So then your outta a job because that company wants to make em see Oh all minoritys are welcome . BULLSHIT when did we all minoritys is ******** welcome? God damn mexicans are not welcome we deport their a** we had ****** slaves for Christ sake. Now you tell me all are welcome BULLSHIT. IF I AM MORE QUILFIED I SHOULD GET THE JOB YOU COCKKNOCKERS. But wait I forgot he is black he gets the job cause then they will pull the race card OMG I FORGOT. NIGGERS GET EVERYTHING LIKE WELFARE. I AM DONE FOR NOW