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Life In Transition
There is this optimistic, bubbly, happy, beautiful, and successful person buried deep inside me. However the current seemingly endless string obstacles that come at me force me to be this shattered shell of a human. I pick up the pieces as much as I
Happy Moments!!!! :D
Sunday was such a wonderful day. I felt much closer to a certain someone and it was great. All I want is something special and real, with him I feel like it is. I know I am rushing again, leading with my heart and not my head. However i so don't care. It feels good. Its really good. No one has ever given me songs before, "like here this song made me think of you" so that happened it was wonderful. Good day...until at night I got all depressed. I hate sleeping alone and being trapped in my house. One day this will change...but my depression caused me to act cold towards said person and I will never do that again. It was all good by Monday. At least I hope so. Then we watched a film together. awesome. Had it been a real date i would have deemed it perfect. biggrin I am silly I know but I have been depraved something like this for a long time. I am not sure if the feeling is mutual. I honestly think he likes me as friend, which is like being told by my last bf "I am gay" another blow to the heart. sad

As far as another certain someone goes who tells me I shouldn't trust my new found love. I feel our friendship waning. That sadness me to know such strong emotions for someone can fade that quickly and clearly. sad They have though and I no longer see him like before.

Well thats all for now. Peace. GLA. heart

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Oct 22, 2008 @ 02:43am
*beams* xp

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