-author-...HELLO LADIES AND....other ppl that's not importan-WELCOME TO MY JOURNAL STORY AGAIN! -dark-...for the 50th time in the row!... -author-..IM SO PROUD -dark-..ME TOO crying -shady-SHUT UP AND GET ON WITH IT!!! -both-alright... -cross-..NUM NUM NUM!!
*last time on......wait what's the name of this?*
-Everyone is finally off that island!!.....but ends up somewhere worse...The Sub-tripian galaxy, where anything..(by means anything)..can happen, Dark and Sha was soon encountered by a shining light..(hungry too)..and it LITERILY consumed them both. Let's see how the other's will react on this info and/or will they get consumed by it too!?...(HA i know the answer...it's good to be on top)-
-cross- ok another one down..*wipes the blood off his jacket and makes blood marks on his face* -ooki-...marks of a warroir -cross-yes deal with it... -yosh-..jeez ur like the neediest kid -cross-and don't ruin it with that statement.. -yosh-ok.. -kimmi-..hey do u guys see that? -ooki-see what!? -cross-I think it's a light in the forest -yosh-...huh!!? eek -ooki-it could be a way out!! -kimmi-well lets go then!!! -cross-alright! *they when closer as the light seem light it was moving away* -cross-wtf is with this light.. -ooki-i don't know but i think it th- -yosh-OMG IT'S THE GHOST OF THE HAUNTED!! -kimmi-EEK! -cross-clam down u two...it's not the ghost of the haunted... -ooki-yeah...it's not.. -cross-IT'S THE GHOST OF THE SPARTANS!! -all three except ooki-..AHHHHHHHHHHH -ooki-...wait shh!! -those three-....ahhhhhhhh *the light comes closer* -cross-.....what the fu- *the light quickly chomps him* -all-AHHHHHH -ooki-...do the honors yosh -yosh-....*gasp*....RUUUU- *the light consumes him too* -kimmi-.....unnnnnnnnn!! *they both run but the light was too fast so......they got eaten too*
poor cross team.....or not...who knows....
-shady-...damn cat ears..*twitches* -redwing-...what...they make u look more.............sensitive -all girls-.*chuckle, chuckle* -shady-..SHUT UPPPP! -moon-..*crys*.. -redwing--...*gasp*...LOOK WHAT U'VE DONE!!! -shady-.....huh? -anu-...u made her cry u big jerk.. -kelp-..and she means that literally! -shady-..look im srry...i didn't mea- -moon-...*little laugh.....then big laugh*...AHAHAHA! -shady-...ehh? -moon-..tricked u.. -shady-... *another light appears* -moon-what that behind u shady? -shady-...hu- *"chomp"* -redwing-OMG... -anu-..run! *ehh u know what happens next....THE UNEXPECTED!* -moon-..*trys to punches it* *the light runs away*.. -moon-....yea......take that!! *come back and eats her*.. -anu-....stupid... *now u know what happens next*
ohh too bad...who knew..
-ray-...NAH NAH NAH NYAHHH!...NAH NAH NAH NYAHHHHHHH....HEY HEY HEY...GOODBY- -rayj- WILL U STOP SINGING!!? -ray-...fine..>.> -janu-..god this place gives me the creeps... -gaara-...hmph...look over there.. -rayj-...*hears something*...U HEAR THAT!? -ray-..OMG IT'S THE COOKIE MONSTER!! -janu-.... -gaara-.... -rayj-..... -ray-....srry im just hungry and i want some cookies... -janu-...WATCH OUT! *light comes in and swallows them*
-dark-....eghh...where am i....sha?...sha!? -sha-...ughh....yeah... -dark-where r u?... -sha-...right here.... -dark-..where...AHHH... *she's on top of him*.. -sha-...EEK! -dark-.....*moves away quick and blush*..that didn't happen.. -sha-..ok....so where r we?... -cross-,,,uhh someplace empty room,, -dark-..CROSS?! -sha-..did u see that!! -cross- yes....all of it.. -ooki-..on tape too -dark-..damn.. -sha-...sh- -yosh-ANYWAY...where do we go now.. -ray-HIIIIIIIYA GUYS!!! -all-....hi ray... -rayj-...so what's up -dark-..we ended up in a strange open white room -shady-looks like a crazy house type place.. -ooki-only bigggggg! -janu-soo.....what do we do now..? *WELCOME TO MY DOMAIN* -cross-i heard that from somewhere... -dark-...verrry....familiar *AHH FU*K IT'S U PEOPLE AGAIN.....WHAT THE FU*K U DOING HERE!?* -dark-..i like to know the same thing.... *I GUESS I HAVE TO FINISH U OFF....MINIONS!!*

 -cross-...them......seriously!!? -shady-HAHAH! -ooki-wow... -ray-.....^^ -dark-...oh come on...who ever u are....can u send us something better!!? -janu-we beat these guys already... -gaara-no joke.....we actually killed them....how r they... *I GAVE THEM LIVE...AND THEY TRAIN THEMSELVES SO THEY CAN CALL A REMATCH.....PREPAIR TO FACE AN ALL NEW ENEMY* -dark-...hey.....alright....this will be fun! -cross- i call chuck norris -shady-..... -ooki-..me and shady will wipe out the spiders this time.. -shady-..uhh ooki -kimmi- me and garra got the cat... -dark-...so that leaves me and janu with Barney...same attack pattern last time... -all-ok...LETS GO!!
-cross- hey chuck....i heard u was so tough....u don't throw up...u throw down... -chuck-...heh... *walks in a circle* -cross-...i have mastered the anicent kung-fu of TI-CHIN-TOE!.. -chuck-..wtf is that -cross-...TI-CHIN-TOE is art of KICKING UR ASSS!!!!!....*charges at him* -chuck-..*stand there*...hmm... *cross kicks him, and ends up hurting himself* -cross-....ouch!! *cross grabs his head and slams it on the ground*. -chuck-...ouch!? -cross-....chuck.......said.......OUCH!!!??!@!??
-shady-...BWAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!*runs* -ooki-...SHUUTTT UPPPPP!!!>....JEEZZ.... -shady-..srry... -ooki-...we need fire..... -shady-got it...*rubs his hand together and creates fire..* -ooki-..NOW SHOOT! *throws the flames but it doesn't work...* -yosh-..no use....they r water spiders... -ooki-....STOMP THEM!!
-kimmi-...GAH STUPID CAT!!. *meow* -kimmi-...sooo.....CUTE!!! -gaara-..remember last time....don't let it get to u! -kimmi-..BUT LOOK AT HIM...I WANT TO SQUEEZE HIM.. -gaara-...i'll take care of this...*covers it with sand* -kimmi-...mucch better..*whacks it with a hammer*..take that...and this....and that!!
-dark-...*charges at Barney*...HAAHHHHHH!! -barney-...i love u...u love -dark-..NEVER!!..*dropkicks him*..janu! -janu-..got it...*slide kicks him on the legs* *barney falls*..oof! -dark-..*grabs his tail*...DIE!!..*spins him around* -barney-WHOA WHAO WHOA!!! -dark-..NYYYYYYYAHHH!!!..*throw him* -janu-..*jumps and grab barney in the air*..i got him!! -dark-go for it!! -janu-...bye bye barney...*spins and slams him on the ground, making the ground crack*
-cross-..*punching and punching* -chuck-...*punching and punching* -anu-...man i heard one time that if chuck gets a boner.....half of a street is gone -moon-...wow really!?...i heard that u know how kids check their closets for the boogyman.. -anu-..yeah..? -moon- the boogyman check the closet for chuck norris.. -anu-...wow....he also got a another fist in his chin.. -chuck-that's right!!..*punches cross with that fist in his chin*.. -cross-ahh u girls helped him!!! -anu and moon-...srry! -cross-..*spin kicks him* *didn't work*.. -cross- damn!...*headbutts him*. *didn't work*... -cross-...fu*k!!..*slashes him with a sword!* *seriously..?* -cross-...FU*KY FU*CKTY FU*K!!!.. -moon-....AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHA*does a screech laugh* -chuck-..AHHHAHH!!!! burning_eyes -cross-...blood......BLOOD!!!
-shady-...wait....i have an idea.. -ooki-..hmm? -shady-...yosh....can u summon some yoshis here? -yosh-...yes i can....i got to charge up my magic power though.. -shady-..do that we will protect u...ooki...u change to a wolf -ooki-...u got it!..*changes into a wolf*.. -shady-...*gets out three sword and power up with fire*...ok....let's do this!.. *Shady and Ooki protected yosh for a while, and yosh soon got full power* -yosh-...SUMMON.....I CALL YOSHI ARMY!!!! *a bunch of yoshi come out..* -shady-...it's over..
-kimmi-...umm....the cat is dead... -gaara-...see...*hardens the sand*
mean.....and brutal...
-ray-...i got the rest!..*reads a cheat code book*...hmm....how to kill chuck norris....i know!!! -cross-...ehh!!?.. -ray-...u shoot loud things in his ears... -cross-...*IDEA!!*...moon...get over here! -moon-..ok......*walks over* -cross-...i need u.. -moon-...*slaps*.. -cross-..AS A FREAKING WEAPON! -moon-..huh..weapon..? -cross- i need to hold u up and make u laugh in his ear... -moon-...o-ok?? -cross-...ok..*pick her up*...gotcha.....HEY CHUCK! -chuck-.AGHHHHH...MY EARS!!.. -cross-...okay..lets do this...*charges at him* *chuck goes crazy and trys to slam his fist in cross* -cross-*dodge*..NOW!.. -moon-...AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! -chuck-... eek ...*falls down and goes boom* -anu-..HOORAH!
*yoshis started eating the spiders* -yosh-...ahh nice job yoshis...u got every one of those spiders.. -shady-..this was easy..
ok everyone has won their battle...but what's next..?
*AHH SH*T U BEAT THEM!!!.....NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO* -dark-...NOW SEND US HOME...!! -all-...NOW!! *fine fine.....here's ur home....BUT...* -cross-..but...? *U HAVE TO FACE M-* *HEY GUYS.....WE GOT HIM!* -all-..huh!!?!??!??!??! *this is Rayj reporting for duty! *and this redwing...also for duty! *...kelp.....reporting... *rayj speaking: We got him down...no need for conflict....let's go home!! -dark-...roger that come down!
this is it!
-cross-...okay....the way home...this portal will take us back..
 -dark-....im ready to go... -shady-..ready.. -ooki- ready... -sha-..*heals leg*...r-ready... -ray,janu,and gaara-..let's go! -kimmi and klep-..ready... -yosh,redwing, and Rayj -..ready -cross-..ready too.. *they all enter the portal*
-dark-..............*looks around*..
we are finally home..
----------------------------------------------------------------------------- special report time.. -dark-...no im sleep...come back another day... -sha-....HEY!1 -dark-IM UP! -shady-does he know!!!? -dark-know what...? -all-...THAT THE BIRD IS THE WORD!! BIRD BIRD BIRD B-BIRD THE WORD!! -dark-...*punches him*
srry guys...i'll bring my comic in later....on how EPIC FAIL THAT WAS ON THE LAST JOURNAL...it will be better..
so how did u guys think of this ark...or season!? was it good!!??...or bad....
well hopefully next week i'll have another one for u...chio!
thedarkone15 · Sat Oct 25, 2008 @ 02:15am · 4 Comments |