my avi as of now........wheeeeeee XD
 how much i have spent:
breezy dark light hairstyle = 4 200 elemental wings = 20 000 masterpieces (bright starry night scarf) = 16 799 masterpieces (Embroidered Mantle) = 15 500 kitty slippers = 2 200 labu necklace = 100 grace of aphrodite = 6 000 satin hairbow = 950 blue catband = 44 radiant prism = 10 000 Earl Grey Tea Time Waitress Dress = 4 999
a total of : ( i dont have a calculator,) 53 993g ( i just add this mentally. im not really sure) wheeee...... XD
and most of all, these are thanks to the people who help me have these stuffs: den ,seth ,miley and luna
thanks a lot guys......wheeeee!!!!
-Gullible GingerBread- · Mon Nov 03, 2008 @ 02:27am · 0 Comments |