Seriously, I hate CV right now.
In Arcadia, our band has a tradition. It's plain. It's simple. Follow it, and you won't have a random band member following you shouting to get the ******** out.
It goes like this:
If someone does, we have the right to push, shove, punch, etc. to get them out. NO ONE goes through.
And you know what CV does? THEY GO THROUGH. They push us away and go through. Even though we're SCREAMING at them not to go through, they try and run through.
Next year, if CV goes against us, they're going to be screwed if they try it again.
They won't have a pleasant day after that.
Luckily, we did manage to keep a few people from being pushed out. Next time, we're aiming for ALL of CV to STAY out instead of attempting to run through.
It's a disappointment to know that they don't respect our tradition enough to NOT BE LAZY and walk around. Granted, it's a huge line, but so what? It'd take an extra couple minutes. It's not that urgent to have to ruin someone's tradition.
Kandied Rose Community Member |