Vol. 7
Patty’s Lost Day
At Dante’s office
Patty: hmmmmm what should I do so I won’t get caught…..
Patty: aha I’ll wear black even though I’ll be called emo but that’s worth it following Dante oh and I’ll also bring Dante’s laptop
**cookie note: emo’s want use to eat more Oreos!!!**
After 15 minutes Patty leaves
Dante: so who are the managers of the restraurant?
Lady: um someone named Spaghetti and Ham
Dante: You got to be kidding!
Lady: Nope it even says it on their website
Dante: They have a website?
Lady: yeah the website is called www.Ilovespaghettiandcookiesandham.com
Dante:……….ok……I really………
Lady: are you okay?
Dante: yes but I have a feeling that we are being followed
Lady: don’t be ridiculous I think you’re nervous about going to a restaurant run by a psycho
Patty hides beside a motorcycle ….and hopes not to be seen
Dante: maybe you’re right…..
**random person: hey hobo stay away from my motorcycle!!!**
Lady: !!!!maybe we are being followed
Dante: told you
Patty: shut the hell up
Patty runs after the guy and Dante is watching what happens
Lady: can we walk faster, this is weird
Dante gets a call from Patty
Lady: what is it?
**on the phone**
Dante: what do you want Patty?
Patty: just telling you that you might get a new motorcycle
**phone call ends**
Dante: Patty is a weird girl
Lady: oh we are here
Dante: that was fast
Lady: not really if you didn’t keep watching the hobo beat up a guy
Dante: that was funny…..anyway let’s go in
Inside the restraunt
Dante: why is there an Arachne here?
**cookie note: Arachne is a Demon female spider**
Lady: ewwwww a spider in a restraunt
Dante: hehe oh….and a gluttony….this place is nice
**cookie note: Gluttony is one of the 7 deadly sins….it is number 6**
Back with Patty
Patty: I think I will take the motorcycle….(really happy)
Patty: okay now let’s find Dante
A few minutes later
Patty: I can’t find Dante…..
Patty: how do you read this map?
Patty starts turning the map around trying to find out where she is
It starts to rain
Patty: I’m never going to find where I am!!!
Back at the restraunt
Lady and Dante find a table to sit at
Nevan walks up to the table.
Dante starts to freak out
**cookie note: Nevan is a vampire from Dante’s past….>.<**
Nevan: hello….Dante is that you?
Lady: who the hell are you?
Nevan is ignoring Lady
Nevan: are you here to donate?
Dante: Donate what?
Lady: are you listening?!
Nevan: blood of course….
Dante: I don’t think so…..
Nevan gets called over to a different table
Lady: who the hell was that?
Dante: A vampire I was trying to forget
Spaghetti walks up to their table.
**cookie note: Spaghetti is Sparda**
Spaghetti: Hi Dante!
Dante: do I know you?
**cookie note: Sparda has used his powers to disguise himself so no one can connect Spaghetti to him**
Spaghetti: Of course you do…
Ham walks up to the table
Lady looks at Ham
**cookie note: Ham is Arkham**
Lady: Dad what are you doing here?!?!
Ham: I’m working here or actually…. I own this place
Dante: that explains why there are demons here
Arkham: so have you met my new partner Spaghetti yet?
Dante: Yes I have…..
Spaghetti: How is Vergil doing in the hospital?
Dante confused ??
Angi & Rudra (nickname is A&R) walk up
A&R: Boss where do we put the supplies?
A&R: Oh…..Hi Dante!!
Dante: Oh my god…..this must be a nightmare…..Oh and please keep Nevan away from me. She keeps staring at me…..
To Lady: care to wake me up?
A&R: so where do we put the supplies Spar….we mean Spaghetti
Dante gets an idea…..
Dante whispers to Lady: this is going to be funny..
Lady: what is funny?
Dante: just watch…
Dante walks up to Spaghetti
Dante: Hi Dad
To be continued
(the website is not real...thank you)
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You take the breath right out of me
You left a hole were my heart should be.
You got to fight just to make it though,
'cause I will be the death of you.
You left a hole were my heart should be.
You got to fight just to make it though,
'cause I will be the death of you.