O M G... Last night while my parents were at their christmas drinking party, I stayed at my mothers work friends house. So I had to babysit my little vrother, and my moms work friends daughters litle brother with my moms wrokfriends daughter. that girl is loopy. But anyway when it was like 11 at night she convinced me to watch a vampire movie with her. I was like, " ok.." " Whats it rated?" and she sid she didn't know. so we watch and a few scenes later, we found out its rated R. haha. So this is an overview of the movie, its called interview with a vampire, or something like that. So anyway, this guy interview this vampire about his life. So basically this dude i the 1700's lost his wife and kid and was turned into a vampire by some paris aristocrat vampire. BUt, the dude doesn't want to be a vampire at kill people, so he drinks the blood of rats and stuff. I'm like "eeeew, GERMS!!" so anyway, the arisocrat vampire is lke, "EAT PEOPLE MAAAAN, OR IM GOONAAA KILL UUUU!" .... So then the main character goes into this house that had been affected by the plague and sees this little girl. She is crying by her dead mother, who is allwrinkled and shrivly. eeew. anyway, the guy bites her, but then feels bad. So the aristocrat vampire makes the girl into a vampire. so the girl will never ever ever ever grow up. But the girl is like this insane killer vampire, just what the aristocrat wanted, a vampire weapon person. So he teaches her, and shes like this intence vampire girl, who dreses up like this little doll. tis scary. So 30 years pass and their stil teh same loking, the girl can;t grow up. So the vampire girl sees this nake d woman in the window somewhere in america (my eyes were sheilded by the girl who I was watchingit with, she did't want me seeing , well, you know.) and the girls like, "when wil i grow up" and then the vampire dudes don't want to break the new to her. so then they do and she hates them. Then she doesn't, well, atleast she likes tha main character, but the aristocrat.. no. Basically she says she forgives the aristocrat vampire, and offers him to bodies of twin 10 year old boys. the aristocrat bites them to find that their dead, and apperantly drinking blood from a dead body is like, something you can't do as a vampie, cuz its bad, it has to be living. So then The girl sorta kills the aristocrat very cool like, as in she shows no emtion. (remember, she is like a 30 year old in a 12 year olds body) and ten she dumps him in the swamp were theres aligators. So then the main character and the little girl vampire go around the world looking for other vampires. but they can't find any at all. BUt, then they get to paris. So they meet two vampires who are from this vampire theatre. They are vampires prtending to be humans pretending to be vampires on a stage. its cool. But then the main character and the girl go to see a performance by them. So it all ends up with these vampires taking some one of the street randomly (woman) and they strip her on the stage, and then basically rape/drink her blood. (the girl covered my eyes that part too, cuz the woman was naked) so anyway, the people in the audience were thinking it was a total performance, when it wasn't. So then the main character and vampire girl meet up with the other vampires. the other vampires find out that the girl killed the aristocrat vampire, and their all like, " YOU KILLED ONE OF YOUR OWN KIND, YO MUST DIIIEEEE!!!" so then the main character and the girl escape. BUT, then their ouse gets raided, and yah. So the main character gets locked in this cofin, and the girl and this other vampire chick the girl made a vampire are locked in the bottom of this well. BUT, since vampires can't be in the sun light, stuff happens. The girl and woman vampires like, turn into dust in the sun, but the dust is sil in te shape of the girl and woman. So the main character gets locked out of the box and goes to find out aout the girl an woman vampire. He goes into the well to see the dust figures of two vampire females cringing to each other in pain. He touches the dust figures and they simply fall apart and fly into the air. The other vampire cult things people are like, it was for the best. But the main character gets really pissed and he sets them all on fire and kills them all. So then he travels around the world until he gets into america agian. There he lives until this time period, where he watches a movie, moving pictures, an he gets to see the sun rise for the first time in like 300 years. s then he lives on and finds the aristocrat vampire gone insane in a cemetary. So he lasted all that time, and the main characters like, wow, he looks crazed. So thenit comes back tothe interview. So then the interviewer is like, TURN ME INTO A VAMPIRE, but the main characters like, nope. So then the vampire leaves the room speedily fast. Then the interviewer gets in his car and drives onto this reallybig bridge, where the aristocrat vampire jums into the guys car, and bites him. And the aristocrat guy is like, ok i'm gonna give you a choice, vampire, or do you want to die. then it cuts off. I as like, OMG THATS SO INTENSE!!! It was coolio.
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Community Member
I'm glad she had you properly censored. mrgreen