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My randomness
Basically stuff about life and junk.....
Here are my theories of Panic at The disco:

1. If you have seen Ryan on a full will see that he changes into.....A WOMAN!
2. Never interrupt Brendon when he drinks his tea or he will go Charlie the unicorn on your a**.
3. If it's a full moon.....and nobody is around.....and you check the roof.....YOU WILL SEE JON UP THERE!!!! DUN NUN NUN WEREWOLF JON!
4. Whatever you do....don't talk to Spencer......or he will......FORCE YOU TO PLAY DOLLIES! *GASPS!*

Here are my nicknames for them:

Bee the scary pony- Brendon urie
Prancing unicorn- Ryan ross
Beard man- Jon
Scary eye raping guy- Spencer smith....there is a pic of him that looks like he is gonna eye rape you...XD