I feel a feeling deep inside
A feeling that is so hard to hide
Only I can see the person I've kept away
That only I can see any or every day
She is hidden beneath this skin
Hidden very deep within
She is the angel lurking to break free
The person that is truly me
She's demonic yet sweet and loves with all her heart
Yet her and the real world are kept far apart
She cannot break past the barrier of my safety I have built
Yet the more I hide her, there forms more guilt
One day somebody will release her from her cage
And she will release all her rage
All the passion she has held inside
That for so long I decided to hide ♥
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Read it OwO
[b:9503e16a7e]Love[/color:9503e16a7e] and lust[/color:9503e16a7e]...
Totally different things... Learn which one your in[/color:9503e16a7e]...
--CiCi [me][/b:9503e16a7e]
CiC'is Art Shop
Totally different things... Learn which one your in[/color:9503e16a7e]...
--CiCi [me][/b:9503e16a7e]
CiC'is Art Shop