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Dear ___,

As I start this lxttxr, thosx who rxad it might think somxthing is wrong and stop rxading at this point, but plxasx kxxp on rxading. As you can sxx, for onx lxttxr of thx alphabxt, I havx substitutxd an "x." Somx of you might find this strangx. lxt mx xxplain. A lot of pxoplx don't think that onx pxrson in this world can makx any diffrxncx. But lxt mx txll you this. In history wx havx all sxxn and hxard pxoplx who havx stood up for what thxy bxlixvx in. Thxy havx indxxd madx a diffrxncx in our livxs. It only takxs onx pxrson to changx somxthing and makx xvxryonx's lifx bxttxr. Considxr rxcycling: it only takxs onx pxrsox to rxcyclx, thxn xvxryonx xlsx will follow. If wx all thought only of oursxlvxs, this world would bx a disastrous placx right now. Thx ozonx layxr would bx gonx and wx will all bx harmxd by thx sun. It only takxs onx pxrson to comx out and say hx or shx carxs. What i'm saying is to lxt go of your pridx and do what you bxlixvx is right. If you arx confidxnt, thxn you will succxxd. You should know that you can makx a diffrxncx. Now, what doxs this havx to do with writing "x's" instxad of "e's"? Did it xvxr occur to you that if onx lxttxr can makx a diffrxncx thxn so can onx pxrson? Xvxn though this is a small xxamplx, it shows that if onx tiny lxttxr in thx alphabxt can such a diffrxncx in a pixcx of writing, thxn, of coursx, onx pxrson can makx a big diffrxncx in thx world today.

[b:ef830f67ab]Let's take over the world. Together.[/size:ef830f67ab][/color:ef830f67ab]
I accept art and signs. Pm me<3[/size:ef830f67ab][/color:ef830f67ab]

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  • [01/11/09 01:38am]
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  • User Comments: [3] [add]
    My pseudonym is Eddie
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Wed Jan 14, 2009 @ 11:09pm
    FIGHT ON SISTXR!!!! xD WO!!!


    UR AWESOMX!!!!!x3

    commentCommented on: Fri Jan 23, 2009 @ 03:44am
    This was inspirational and touching. I was moved and I immidiately saw how you connected the missing letter with the whole "people not doing anything, then one stands up and gets us all on our feet" kinda thing...

    It seems kinda sad because I felt like the letter had died..... Dont laugh and I am serious about this. Notice how messed up things are. People take a look around! complain will ya? But later see how bad things will be, and I should laugh at you............ see all of the signs.

    If you wrote this out of an orignal thought, if these were YOUR OWN WORDS, I deeply admire you for making this! If you dont believe in this (IF I DONT KNOW YOU AND YOU ARE A STUCK UP JERK ABOUT THIS) shame on you for the doubt and disbelief

    Dont laugh, I dont find lots funny about this...

    "If the earth dies, you die" -Klaatu (the day the earth stood still, yeah I saw that movie when it came out)

    Crystal Toa
    Community Member
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Wed Jun 10, 2009 @ 07:19am
    it's a good thought to think about smile

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