You can only Hope for teenage royalty
★Don’t miss the donut>>> by looking through the hole.
 Much unlike that of her brother, Hope was wide awake far earlier than she needed to be. Why? No other reason than simply that she’d woken up at 5 a.m. Not that it wasn’t normal for her to rise with the crack of dawn, early bird that she was, however it was odd for her to actually be ready on time. From the long, early morning shower to the underwear dances she preformed in her room, to an audience of an open window and stuffed animals, she always managed to exceed the time allotted to her.
“Hope! You’ve got a minute.”
Abruptly torn from her fixation on the bathroom mirror, the condensation smeared in twisted lines that spelled out her name, hope glanced at the wall clock. She frowned slightly, her mouth twisting in disapproval, “It’s only 6:40, geeze…what’s his rush?” Obviously times was of no essence to this vibrant young mind. She gave a sigh and marched back into her room, still in her underwear and socks she gave a glance at her open closet. An odd set of four wooden pieces joined together in sets of twos, folded in on their partners to open at the middle. The once white doors were now painted in a mural depicting many fairytale scenes and characters, which were at odds with her black and white Japanese calligraphy bed set.
A quick scan of the unorganized cluttered that made up her wardrobe and she was decided on an outfit. Pair of stockings, a petticoat, a corset top, arm warmers and a pair of her favorite flats had her watchful eye as she spread them over her bed. Satisfied Hope stuffed the clothes into the care bear duffle bag and zipped it up, the contents now safe and sound. The thought of leaving as was crossed her mind, but she soon passed the idea off and put her gym uniform on. To which was deemed a gray t-shirt and a pair of blue shorts that came to mid-thigh.
”Hope! I’m in the car.”
Hope paid no mind to the shouts or the sound of the front door as Dylan left the house. White tennis shoes on Hope turned her attention to the mess on the top of her head. That, too, had been tossed up in thought to leave as was, but she picked up her vibrant pink hairbrush and went to work. Tilting left and tilting right, she made sure her piggytails were even, giving her mirror a quick grin and hopping up. Snatching up her duffle and tote bags she was out the door, happily spending time in the car with her brother and wonderfully blissful music.
At a glance everything seemed to be in order. Students were arriving, classes were nearing their start and the mini-gangs were doing their usual hustle and bustle. Or at least what could be considered hustling and bustling for a Monday. With her things safely tucked away in her gym locker Hope gave her attention to the girls’ locker room. There were a few other girls changing and gossiping over this or that, still nothing out of the ordinary. What caught the darling girl’s attention, however, was the topic they were discussing. Her brother’s fight? Curiosity had a tight grip on her now, for the more she heard the more twisted her face became.
”Yeah, I know, right? Apparently stutter-bug started the whole thing. Like, she’s totally creating a rift between Dylan and his friends.” “Like that wasn’t starting to happen already. I mean look at Jasper and that hippie-freak. Totally weird, I never thought those two would ever be a thing. Still, Stutter-bug and Dylan wise is just so…twilight zone.” “I still can’t believe who they took to prom. They least the could have done was ask someone important!” The girl let out a dramatic sigh, “It wasn’t enough for miss st-st-stutter to go to prom. I think she’s manipulating Dylan. I mean…why else would Wise take up for her over his Jasper?”
Woah! Stop the press! Jasper and Dylan were fighting? Why hadn’t she known of this?! This was a monstrosity! The two main characters of her play were now at each other’s throats? Not that that would have been a horrible thing…if they’d been at each other’s thoughts sexually. Did Connor know? And what was with this hippie-freak stuff? Was the world turning upside down? What the hell was going on? I mean…I thought it was weird bubby was taking Lana to the dance, but… Hope shook her head, as if physically moving her mind the thoughts would shake loose. It might have been “weird” having her brother taking someone other than Jasper to Prom, but it was an aspect of her story she was willing to overlook. But this! This was horrible! “They shouldn’t be fighting, they should be making love!” She pounded her fist into the palm of her other hand.
Terribly unhappy, Hope made her way across the gymnasium floor, “I’ll have to fix this…take some whiteout to the script…maybe shed some blood.” She gave herself a gentle nod, as if confirming the possibility. Yes, she could fix this. There was deffenetly going to be a stern talking to with Jasper, that was for damn--Wham! Hope stumbled back a couple steps, trying to keep her balance as best she could. Looking up from her previous gazing point, her shoes, she blinked in surprise which was immediately followed by a scowl. Lana.
“Hey.” Hope stood there silent for an adequately awkward time, just staring Lana down, “Stay away from my brother.” With the force that a rapid cat might have, Hope narrowed her gaze intently. As suddenly as she’d arrived, crashing into the older girl, she was gone. As much as she wished she could have had a more dramatic exit, like disappearing in a cloud of smoke, she merely turned on her heel and made her way across the gym’s squeaky clean floor. The chance encounter didn’t linger in her mind as she made her way over towards her brother and….“Connor!!!” Instantly, new found information and confrontation forgotten, Hope latched herself onto the older boy happily. Whatever conversation she had interrupted went un-noticed, her little arms squeezing as tight as they could, “Good morning.” She said with a bright, cheery smile.
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I'd rather have my skittlesAnd eat them too!
First of all I want to say hello to anyone will to so much as glance at this thread. I'm a new member and very pleased to find a place to simply speak and grow relationships. I cannot wait to learn more about each and every one of you in the guild. I joined the guild for one particular thing in my life, though there are many other aspects as to why I sent a request, but I need help. The kind of help I ask for cannot come from any source I have readily available to me and I am very desperately needing guidance. To understand the situation I'm going to have to ask you to read something I wrote awhile back.
lollipop-heart-stab · Thu Jan 29, 2009 @ 09:58am · 0 Comments |