The Z in zOMG!: A History
From How much I fail. The neverding quest to Endboss. and now edited with more content:
Wow, all the history... well, better get cracking. O_o
After Closed Beta ended [on a sour note, Bill had given me the silent treatment], I was eager to dive headfirst into the game. Zoomed all around Barton, finishing up any and all quests. Promptly moved out into VG, and stayed there for a while, getting used to the whole game mechanics and learning the basics of combat. I ended up getting stuck in the Mushroom Tops quest, as the loot drop quests suck. >> Finally took down the General with a decent crew and headed west.
In Bill's Ranch, I harvested Garlics to no end in search of merely three sprouts. [Truth, I recently went back to the Greens, killed a few more Garlics, and got the 500th kill badge : D] Most of the time it would be a stalemate between me and the Garlics, they did have a potent attack to unload on me. Otherwise, time here was short, as I went into DMP right after, and took out the OMGWTF with a mediocre crew. [I can still remember running around and trying NOT to die, since it locked on to me O_o]
Zen was the big time for me. Besides the "WRRRRY" of the boss quests, I eventually got past them. Then came the big Lantern Farming period - I'd almost religiously farm the Lantern's circle three times a day, maybe more. There were times when the crew would get uberwtfpwned when someone else was stupid enough to trawl a nexus nearby, but those were few and far in between, luckily. Netted me almost ALL the unsoulbound rings I have in my inventory to this day, as well as a ton of orbs. Didn't level up much though, since 4.1 was good enough to stay in Zen. whee Also donned the ever-famous Ninja Gi + Kong Sang Scarf that would last me until the beginning of the endgame.
With Bass'ken, I ditched the general purpose / Angel set in favor of my current ringset [only with Shark Attack in place of GGGuns]. It was hell trying to beat the beast of the SheWolf and Saw family back then. Major thanks to Quicktrigger for helping on SheWolf. 3nodding And Buzz Saws never did hold the same appeal that Ghost Lanterns did. gonk Nevertheless, I had to brave Saw mobs in order to finish up quests. [I remember talking to Jesse just before I got Dazed, lol. xD] Plus, collecting everything to get Cheri's Twin finished [yet another Loot Drop quest, blah] was a PAIN. x.x Thank goodness I managed to finish that one off.
On to Old Aqueduct, another brief area. Get in, go to the Null, hunt the P3 Commander ['twas a good fight, me versus the Commander, one on one deathmatch], die in the Hive, and bam. Only to go to Gold Beach and get wtfpwnz0rz3d by fricken Sand Fluffs. >.< Spent quite a while with the Board Quest [again, Loot Drop quest = ewwww], and sneaked around the Beach to complete Quests, thanks to the Ninja Set. Only died by Animated [Landshark excluded] twice. biggrin And then the next gap hit, as I farmed Gold Beach extensively to reach a CL capable of holding it in Otami. Killing bunches and bunches of Anchor Bugs and Sand Golems, all while keeping my CL under the 7.0.
By the time I gathered up enough courage to move in, the Terrors and Vases in the lower areas in Otami Ruins were already Blue Rank. o_O Combined with the Ninja Set, I'd rack up unGODly amounts of mobs up on the top set of stairs [I remember I got 5 screens' worth of aggro on a few occasions], and proceed to buttonmash 'em all into sweet oblivion, ripping a few holes in reality [and the playing screen] whilst doing so. The totems for the Feathered Coatls, Tiny Terrors, and Balded Vases all came in easy, since I could mass-kill them all easily. Masks though, were a different story. It took me a few days to finish that blasted Jewel Eye quest. burning_eyes All the proceeds from the questing and farming was needed to take out the Stone Coatl though, as that mofo was hard with a full crew. >.< Ended up failing more than once, but the second time around wasn't so bad, as I had picked up a trick to attack-Cancel mean ol' Stoney.
Fast forward a few, and I became a Shallow Seas farmer. Again, a dedicated two runs per day, and eventually I'd reach CL10 on Christmas Eve. It took me until sometime in January to actually go for the Endboss, though - on account of me leveling up other useful rings, and generally procrastinating the giant Endboss run. xD First was the "tacky" Mechlab Bot recipe, then the Sinister Scarf [or Doo-Rag, courtesy of SykoCaster], and finally the Null and Crystal Fluffs, as the granting glitched. Yes, I only beat Endboss three times. xD I took the smart way in as well, hopping onto Crews who were at switches or had finished off Boss body parts. At the Barton Bar, I'd go to the top of the stairs and yell "BEERS ON ME XDDDD". rofl
Getting to CL10 freed up a lot of stuff, like NinjaConventions, Landshark hunting, becoming a Forum Regular, and other such stuff. And STILL I'm hardly bored with the game to call a hiatus nor leave the Forum. 3nodding
Ah, nostalgia. Good ol' times.