Quote: I walk aimlessly among this earth trying to find a reason for my birth
You hide death. You have become numb do to your pain. People have pushed you farther and farther down. And you began to grow cold. You didn't want to feel the pain anymore and now you don't feel anything. People label you goth because of the way you are. But they just don't understand you. You most likely like dark things and are drawn to pain. You try and find ways to cause you pain just to prove your still alive. You don't want to be this way but you can't find a way out. You desperatly search for someone or something to pull you out of this to make you feel something. But don't worry the time will come for you to be happy to feel those emotions again. It might not be right away but it will come. One day you'll see that this world may just be worth living. I hope you find that out soon. You deserve it. ~We all hide something from the world....What do you hide~
 the desperate sadness- u cannt do nothing about it. everything seems to make u sadder... What kind of sadness lies in you? _________________________________________________________________
 you're a poppy fairy! Which fairy are you? ______________________________________________________________
 Death consumes you. You have been so hurt that in fact you are as dead as you can get while still living. You no longer care about anyone or anything. You probably are a bit messed up in the head, like hearing things or seeing things. Your probably the one in school were you'll just scream out of no where and stare at nothing for hours. No one knows just how much pain you've been in but maybe one day you'll show them.
Quote biggrin eath leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal by: unknown What takes over your soul?
Kay[6661]Vengeance · Tue Nov 15, 2005 @ 12:34am · 0 Comments |