being sick seriously bites. I blame my cousin for this boredom. It started with me falling out of bed trying to detangle myself from the sheets because I was hot then freezing then hot again, so sheets were very interestingly arranged>>>seriously, if anyone ever wants to tie someone up effectively, well i know a pretty good way to do it. And then I had a massive bruise on my posterier for when I went to go take my nasty medecine. please note that cherry flavored NyQuill. actually tastes nothing like cherries. Purrified butt. that's what it tastes like. so then I ate some concoction my mom made before going to work. I'm not actually sure what it was, because medicine tends to have a "laughing gas" effect on me. but it wasn't good. then I went downstairs and turned on the tv. And at some point I swear to god that the women of the View were on Gilmore Girls, and Lorelai was dating Danny tanner from full house.
But eventually the meds wore off and left me alone in this huge house, which is in itself an eery experience since--with four brothers and a sister--that never happens. and bored to the point of trying to count all the ridges in the cieling tiles. So, since I'm alone, i figure "hey I'll just get off the couch, out from under my pile of blankets, and go online. only, no one's online since they're all in school. I want to be in school. and on top of that, my mother calls and yells at me for being on the computer a few minutes ago. lovely. Is she psychic or something? so now I have to go because she's way cranked that I'm out of bed.
Celestialisolde · Tue Nov 15, 2005 @ 08:41pm · 0 Comments |