So, as many people know, since a certain broadcast released earlier today there has been much hysteria via the internet over the "conficker worm". For those hermits who don't know what that is, it's basically a worm that infects your computer and starting April 1, aka April Fools Day, aka tomorrow, will send information over to the "master computer" and after that, no one knows what will happen (many speculate that infected computers harddrives will be completely erased, some say that it will blow up your computer or even neuter your cats [idiots], and others say nothing will happen after that). There is a calculated 9 million computers infected with this worm at the moment. Currently microsoft has a reward of $250,000 for information regarding who started this worm. But getting back to the subject, I was researching on the conficker worm to see if my computer had it or not (only PCs with windows can get it, which I just happen to have), and I discovered that had it not been for Kenny dying and having to be resurrected, I most certainly would have been infected, as I had all the signs of the virus on my computer and now the warning signs have vanished. Warning sign #1: If Automatic Windows updates is turned off and refuses to be turned on, you might want to check for conficker. Kenny used to refuse to turn on automatic updates and everytime I would try to turn them on, I'd check and they'd be turned off. Now, Automatic Updates is working perfectly well and in fact I just downloaded an update from there a couple minutes ago. Warning sign #2: In October of 2008, there was a security hole that was later patched up, but during the time that it wasn't was when the worm spread. Kenny, as many know, had every virus known to man during this time period, it wouldn't be surprising if he got the conficker worm too, whereas now....well, he's like a fresh cookie out of the oven as of Febuary, so he doesn't have memory of this accident (HOORAY OF COMPUTER AMNESIA!) and Waring sign #3: It's already April Fools day in some countries, and it it beleived that the creator of the worm resides in Ukraine (a theory proved by the fact that the worm does not infect computers with a Ukranian keyboard layout), so YAY Kenny's proven to be safe enough to survive this ordeal (although maybe the worm's waiting till pacific/eastern time to launch...then maybe I'm not through all this yet but I still have updates so I'm probably okey-dokey ^_^)
RoiMustangu · Wed Apr 01, 2009 @ 02:47am · 1 Comments |