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Leixi's Entries
Evolving Item Stories
' T H I S ' ' I S '

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Here's some stories I created:

Pora Ice
A little infant polar bear cub slipped into the ice cold water of the Arctic Sea while sleeping. A few days later, after turning into an ice cube and being carried away by the cold watery current to a nearby shore it, it woke up and it's ice started to melt away every hour of every day. Then it went growing into a little cub that slipped every time it tried to walk. One of the following nights a Zurg ship passed by and left the bear a red/crimson scarf so it could be protected of the cold. The next days and following weeks it grew and grew into a bigger polar bear always dreaming of that Zurg ship that brought it the scarf. At it's adult stage, the polar bear started finding a mate so it could procreate and protect the little infant that reminded of itself so much. That's why ever since then the polar bears are symboled by a blue bear resembling shield covered by a red scarf representing the protection polar bears give to each other and the protection and care other beings gave to the polar bears.

A young adult peasant from the medieval era was scavenging in the woods trying to find something to eat. When he found a an odd container. It was pink and white colored with gold details. So he wondered what was in it and so he opened it and found out it was sugar. The royal family who ruled over that area were running out of stock especially on sugar, and also he had a crush on the beautiful elegant princess named Bianca. The sugar bowl resembled her so much that he called her Biancamella. What he didn't know that when he opened the sugar bowl, the inner magic of it started to blossom. Thinking he could be recognized by the king and especially by the princess, he set foot to the castle for an audience with the king and his princess. The king who was so busy, wanted to keep this audience short as he was stressed out not knowing where he could get those thing he and his kingdom needed. The peasant made it short and sweet and he said that he wanted to give them his sugar bowl named Biancamella, because it resembled the princess and surely he stated that this sugar bowl was magical. He told the king about his anecdote in which when he was gifted some coffee from a caring woman, he wanted to sweeten it so he grabbed the pink sugar bowl and accidentally he drop a little sugar which were only one or two grains and they were dropped in the coffee. He tasted it and it was perfectly sweeten. The king was mildly impressed and so he brought some sugarless coffee. The king, queen and the princess tasted the sugarless coffee to prove that it wasn't sweeten, and so it wasn't. So the peasant gave one grain of sugar from the bowl to each cup and to their amazement it was perfectly sweeten. The sugar bowl named Biancamella was the solution to their problem. Also the peasant noted to the king that he wanted to give it for free and that no reward was needed to him because he cares for this kingdom and he loves the princess. The family was excited for the solution of their problem and so they called the butler and stated that he would take Biancamella to the kitchen and put it in a cabinet. The days passed by and so the princess wanted to get herself some cup of coffee not to bother the maids and when she opened the cabinet, the sugar bowl started to glow a bright pink. Then the pink glow ceased and from the inner of the bowl a little spec of bright pink glowing light went to the princess and they both seemed fond of each other, so the princess took the spec of light to her room. While the princess was sleeping Biancamella went to the cabinet where her bowl was and started to make threads from the sugar. The threads were colored white, pink and gold; the same as as the sugar bowl. And starting to manipulate and sew the threads, Biancamella created a beautifully detailed sugar stole that was placed on top of her bed. Bianca woke up and by her amazement saw the beautiful stole on her bed. She wondered who made it and then she saw Biancamella, the little glowing spec, right underneath it. And then she knew it was her. So she tucked in Biancamella in her bed sheets so she could rest. Then the other night Biancamella growing more her affection with Bianca, made her some gorgeous stockings that matched her stole. Bianca was so grateful of her. Then made her a sweet parasol. After some nights Biancamella grew into a larger spec of glowing pink light, and this made her improve and she made for Bianca a pretty long sleeve and puff sleeve bolero. Each time she was improving her sewing skills while her affection grew more to the princess, making Biancamella grow more. It was the day before the annual ball and she didn't know what she was going to wear, she wanted something that represented her to a tee. So Biancamella wanted to make her the most gorgeous dress for the Annual Ball that when Bianca went to sleep, Biancamella made threads out of the sugar till she used her last energy. She finished making the necessary thread for the dress but she now needed to make the dress. She found it in her inner soul and an inner spark glowed that Biancamella fully evolved into a pink sugar pixie. This made her be replenished of energy and she made the most beautiful dress for Bianca and more. She made a spun-sugar dress, a bonbon corset, a flowing taffy wig hair, sugar pixie wings, a caramel comb, some sugar aura so Bianca could shine and standout, and cotton candy for when she needed that sugar boost. Bianca woke up and saw this beautiful made couture dress that Biancamella made for her just for the ball. She went looking for her and wanted to thank her and saw her fully formed, Biancamella was so happy to see Bianca happy that they grew the tightest bond. The princess was ready to attend the ball and so she went and was the center of attention from everyone. In this ball in particular she had to pick her husband and so she looked and looked and finally found the person. It was the peasant that brought her the Biancamella! Most of the available men were saddened and they hated the peasant, but the grudge never lasted, the men moved on with their life. Now Bianca was so excited that she wanted to give her fullest thanks to Biancamella. But when she went to her bedroom. She didn't saw her immediately, wondering where she was, she glimpsed at the window and saw her floating away. Bianca was asking her why is she leaving if they were the best friends and Biancamella told her through telepathic mean, that she was happy for making the princess happy, and so she had to leave because Biancamella's destiny was to make the one that touched her little pixie soul the most, happy. And Biancamella made Bianca the happiest that she ever was and it was truly the time to leave. But Biancamella told the princess that if you ever missed her, her soul will always be in the sugar of the pink and white with gold detailed sugar bowl. Also she told her that if any person near the sugar bowl that truly touches Biancamella's heart the most, Biancamella will appear to make him/her happy and also to make herself happy.

Copper Twopence:

For a twopence, an old bard offers to sing you one of two carols: one about a warlock of powers, the other about a wizard of wealth. Which will you choose?

"Carol of ol' Ebenezer"

Ebenezer desired the power to change fate, and built a fierce army that rivaled none other. Now an aging warlord, his blood has grown cold, and he is known for his brutality and cruelty. Until the night he is visited by the spirit of his deceased brother named Polaris. Polaris is bound by chains doomed to walk around in Hell. Polaris tells him that three spirit will visit him in order for him to change for the better. Ebenezer repugnant, didn't cared until that frightful night in which the Ghost of X-mas Past came to visit him, the ghost appearance was as of a toy winding soldier which represented his desire to change fate by building an army. Also he sees a reminder of his past, it was a trinket that represented his brother Nick. Later the Ghost of X-mas Present comes to visit, he then sees how his cold blood has affected the people surrounding him and how he has grown apart from his brother. After some time, the ghost of X-mas Future appears. He then sees he's in a graveyard with a ghost besides him dressed in complete dark. He sees that there are chains that bounds his corpse and also he see how a hellfire unfolds next to him. He then realized that the path he was choosing was going to doom him.

"Carol of ol' Nick"

Nick delighted in invention and spells, and people paid great sums for his work. As he grew old, he forgot the thrill of creation, and abandoned it, blinded by and indulging in his wealth. Until the night he is visited by the spirit of his deceased brother named Polaris. Polaris is bound by chains doomed to walk around in Hell. Polaris tells him that three spirit will visit him in order for him to change for the better. Nick blinded by his wealth, didn't cared until that frightful night in which the Ghost of X-mas Past came to visit him, the ghost appearance was as of a cheerful toy figurine which represented his desire to create by inventing toys and making cheerful spells. Also he sees a reminder of his past, it was a trinket that represented his brother Ebenezer. Later the Ghost of X-mas Present comes to visit, he then sees how his blinded sight has affected the people surrounding him and how he has grown apart from his brother. After some time, the ghost of X-mas Future appears. He then sees he's in a graveyard with a ghost besides him dressed in complete dark. He sees that there are chains that bounds his corpse and also he see how a hellfire unfolds next to him. He then realized that the path he was choosing was going to doom him.

Both Carols:

After this, Ebenezer/Nick decides to change his ways. He started to see and feel the happiness, his heart grew warmer/his eyes became clearer. After this, he decides to trying to know what happened to his forgotten brother. Ebenezer/Nick then realized that his brother wasn't dead, he thought he was dead because he grew apart of him meaning that he would act as if his brother was dead all of these years. They try to amend each other and then they gift each other something meaningful, a snow globe that represents X-mas being spent together. They then hug and once again they became real brothers. They then decide to spread their happiness throughout the world. And this is how this story ends. Merry X-mas and to all, a good night. The Bard concludes his carol. The end.

Here's the story of the beloved Nightmare...

As you start sleeping you are visited by Hypnos, the personification of sleep, he presents you into a trail of Nightmare that have no escape until you wake up....

You are first presented with the figure of Valda the Marvelous, the Circus' Tiger Tamer with her beautiful white tiger called Adamas but suddenly you see Adamas turn ferocious and then you see the beheaded body of Valda...implying her head was bitten off...

Suddenly you are projected to another scenario... A wild Bandit that can summon a beast demon to help him in his wrong doings....

Now you appear in front a Great Demon President of Hell having commanded forty legions of demons. He has the appearance of a crow in a human form. Then right next to it, Buer appear...another Great President of Hell with the head of a lion and five legs of goats.

Now you get transported to the reign of the Dead...where there's a fellow with a weird attire that Guards and looks out the Lost Souls of poor Children who can never find their way back again...

Fast Forward into a deserted area that seems normal....but then you see blood gushing out everywhere and hundreds of thousands of zombies ran towards you ready to eat you....

Next you are in a majestic garden that seems Heavenly...but in front of your appears 6 figures each representing one of the 7 Deadly Sins that man commits....Luxuria, Invidia, Gula, Acedia, Superbia, and Ira....

Suddenly you appear in front of a scary looking person with an outfit made out of leather and zippers...all black with some red accessories and they appear to you as menacing people...they proclaim to you that they are what they call the Defiant...who are a resisting group capable of braking every piece of you....

Like you may are then in a dark setting and then towards you an Alp appears along side a scary Popobawa and a Penanggalan....creatures you only thought that were myths and folklore....but now you have them in front of you and they are starting to scare you...

Then you are transported to a Giant Spider web and you are stuck!... You see various larvas and then Arachneros, the Giant Spider and it's ready to eat you....It starts to crawl faster and faster toward you but now the web broke and you are falling through a giant pit and now you are seeing everything you saw before but in reverse.

You see Arachneros, then the folklore creatures that now include the Closet Monster and the Bogey Man, then the Defiants, then the six Sins personifications with Avaritia and the Golden Apple...the forbidden you see the Guardian of the Children Soul have now an innocent look soul of a little girl...that's holding a bloody knife behind her can now see it's an evil soul that will bring trouble to the Guardian....You see the Bandit crazed and imprisoned with giant chains....then yo see the Circus, and in it you notice the Ringmaster have a great butcher-eske knife with blood dripping.....knowing that either the Tiger was provoked by the Ringleader to cause that...or that the Ringleader actually did it himself...and finally you see Hypnos with a clock right next to him telling you that he hoped you enjoyed the ride but that it's time for you to wake up...bringing this terrible night of sleep to an end.

' S U C H ' ' A ' ' D R A G '

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  • User Comments: [4]
    Community Member

    Tue Jun 02, 2009 @ 12:55am

    I found this from your mention of it in that 'companions' thread 3nodding These are pretty cute stories ♥

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    [see profile if you can't read it.]
    Community Member

    Tue Jun 02, 2009 @ 04:37pm

    ' T H I S ' ' I S '

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    Why thank you :3

    ' S U C H ' ' A ' ' D R A G '

    Parawhore Zach
    Community Member

    Mon Sep 07, 2009 @ 08:52am

    Biancamella story is cute xD ;3 nice job hehehe
    I wanna make a comics for it LOL XD

    Musical Note
    Community Member

    Wed Nov 11, 2009 @ 04:33am

    these are absolutely great!

    User Comments: [4]