so since i started this its been about 2 weeks after our massacre crying we had no idea about this terrible disease called ick it happens when the poor fish get all stressed and the temerature gets all messed up and heck from there so we had 8 fish which now i will go through the long process of their names and what kind of fish they were: Comet:Neon Tetra, Sunny: Sunburst Tetra, Ghost: Phantom Tetra, Biscuit and Gravy:Angelfish, Cheetah: Pleco(mastosus), Hunter: Clown Loach,Blip: Specially bred zebra fish thing, Medate: Rope Fish(note: if u search rope fish on google and think its an eel UR WRONG they have sepparate attributes from an eel)| and that was the long list but anyways the ick was caused when the fish got all stressed out when we put Medate in and well... hehe... so i noticed the 2-days after i got home 2of our 3 beggining fish had DIED crying and those two were Sunny and Ghost im not so sure if they caught the ick but it might have been temerature difficulties but soon enough all of our fish were dieing until blip was the last surviver than he was the last to ride the swirly express
but now... we have a new heater and are keeping the tank at a constant temerature of 82'F with four fish in the regeneration process:Neptune: Platy, Poseidon razz laty and also PREGNANT blaugh , Fuego:Molly, Hielo: Molly they all seem to get along well together but when poseidon has her babies they sadly will most likely be... eaten sad
but on a brighter note most likely this coming saturday we will be getting some pufferfish since we found out they do better in a group of 3 but if anyone can help give any ideas for names please give me some ideas but we only need 2 more since one is going to be named fat elvis
i8oprah · Sun May 10, 2009 @ 04:25pm · 0 Comments |