For all you Aiden fans: KNIVES ******** CAME OUT TODAY DID U GET IT??????????!!!!!!!! I ******** DID! ANGEL TOLD ME TO AND I ******** DID GO AIDEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! At first I was like, "Why is there a parental advisory on this thing? There was one on Conviction, but it hardly belonged there. So what if they called Mom a whore in Bliss and said ******** a whole ******** lot?" I mean, there was a couple of naked pictures on the cover, but I mean COME ON!!!!! Then I heard the fifth song (I think) called Crusafiction. They really emphasize the "fiction". I mean, I knew wiL said in this album they pretty much said ******** god, ******** religion (which I totally agree with!!! Hell yeah baby, I am your devil!!!!), but when I heard the lyrics (which I think gaia will ban me for if I put them on here) I was like O.O..... so THAT'S why there's a ******** parental advisory on this thing.
Too bad my mom heared it.......... Yeah..... Oh yeah, Elisabeth's cool too; I heard it at their concert on Sunday. (I had the worst ******** love hangover on Monday..........) I also heard Scavengers Of the Damned, but I liked it better when they performed it at the concert. Maybe it was because it was the first time I heard it. Anyway, I love Knives because they express their views and don't give a ******** what other people think. I really appreciate that. SO IF U DON'T ******** HAVE KNIVES YET U'D BETTER ******** GO GET IT RIGHT ******** NOW OR I WILL SIC MY ZOMBIE MINIONS ON U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yeah, I know Aiden is all I've been talking about recently, but that'[s because I'm ******** obsessed with them and they freaking rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Edit: Did u know William Control produced Knives (that pretty much means wiL) Did u know wiL's middle name is Roy????... At least I think that' s what it was.. I know it started with an r at least.
Edit (again): I was gonna put something ehre... Oh yeah, so at the Aiden concert, there were tow bands that opended. The first is Black Houses adn they are so ******** gawesoem I luve them!! They're named that because the lead singer (dunnoki his name lol) ;li9ved in a haunted house (when he was like four). I absobuley luve them!!! And the other one was A Blinding Silence and they were ok I gues nut buoth meh... compared to THE ALMIGHTY AIDEN!! I LUV U U MOHTER ********!!!
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...It takes a minute to like someone, an hour to love someone, but a lifetime to forget someone...
Zombie Luv
Cut my wrists and black my eyes
So I can fall asleep tonight
Or die because you kill me
Zombie Luv
Cut my wrists and black my eyes
So I can fall asleep tonight
Or die because you kill me