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Slayer Blade's Gaia and Story Journal
This is about all the corruption in gaia and negative out comes since the zomg release. It was in fact the start of the zomg release is what is bringing down gaia. I have also started making some zomg stories for people to watch and enjoy.
Soulbound The soul of evil
To think something that would normaly be a good word, is now the evilest word in gaia. Soulbound has brought the zomg forums into the point of a neverending war. I do have my pros and cons to the rings being soulbound. but the way Qixter did them was not the way they needed to be done to begin with.

Qixter needed to do one of 2 things on the rings being soulbound.

-soulbound the rings before open beta
-not soulbound the rings period to avoid the war in the threads

The deal of soulbounding after so much into the game and get everyone nice and hooked and then turn around and stab everyone in the back is pure evil. zomg started dieing in this update which was the worst one of all.

New Data as of 8/2/09:
Here is some updated data with soulbinding

Soulbinding was done to prevent people from buying there way throught the game and using mules to get throught game with in a days time. This is the only reason I'll agree to soulbinding and nothing will change that.

Soulbinding does not support these reasons of why it was done as there is no evidence or it is a stupid reason of why it was done.

-to help stablize gaia's econamy. Lies, gaia's true econamy is the cash it brings in from gaia cash based items. Gold is the imaginary econamy and is not a real econamy.

-zomg is not a cash cow. as much of that the devs want it to be true, you can still make good amounts of gold with out selling rings. Breaking chests hourly can yield up to over 1k in gold if you can get them before other people do. some recipes make good amounts of gold and recipes final product makes good amounts too.

With the massive absence of rings is the true reason of why I'm against soulbinding. People's rings are dissapearing with no physical reason or action. People are ringless and have to mooch off others till they can get an attack ring. This is the reason why I'm against soulbinding. A player should be able to buy a replacement with out spending a small fortune in the process.