** CUSTOMERS: SBL Group **
6/22/09 05:27pm
6/22/09 05:27pm
These are my first paying customers! I am sooo excited! Thank you guys and gals. I really appreciate it! Here are your pictures!
- Filamina
They look like a dance group to me. I love it! They look awesome together!
I love the Tiger(?). And I love how she sparkles!!
They are sooo CUTE!!!!! I love this picture at night. It has great mood, atmosphere, and feeling.
*** UPDATE: 2nd shoot, Wed Jun 24, 2009 ***
*** UPDATE: 2nd shoot, Wed Jun 24, 2009 ***
I just had to take this picture while she was waiting for her friend.
Same photo, but I couldn't decide if I liked this one better than the other.
Xx lollipop3 and Lang13 are good friends.
Same photo again, but vertical.
Xx lollipop & Langy13 at the Town Centre.
Langy13 when the light was fading fast.