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A good journal deserves a good title that's why mine doesn't get one Welcome to my insanity, enjoy your stay... serve yourself.

Community Member
Always- Saliva
I hear a voice say "Don't be so blind"
It's telling me all these things
That you would probably hide
Am I your one and only desire?
Am I the reason you breathe
Or am I the reason you cry?

Always, always, always
Always, always, always
I just can't live without you
I love you, I hate you
I can't get around you
I breathe you, I taste you
I can't live without you

I just can't take anymore
This life of solitude
I guess that I'm out the door
And now I'm done with you

I feel like you don't want me around
I guess I'll pack all my things
I guess I'll see you around
It's all been bottled up until now
As I walk out your door
All I can hear is the sound of

Always, always, always
Always, always, always
I just can't live without you
I love you, I hate you
I can't get around you
I breathe you, I taste you
I can't live without you

I just can't take anymore
This life of solitude
I guess that I'm out the door
And now I'm done with you
I love you, I hate you
I can't live without you

I left my head around your heart
Why would you tear my world apart?
Always, always, always, always

I see the blood all over your hands
Does it make you feel more like a man?
Was it all just a part of your plan?
The pistol's shakin' in my hands
And all I hear is the sound

I love you, I hate you
I can't live without you
I breathe you, I taste you
I can't live without you

I just can't take anymore
This life of solitude
I guess that I'm out the door
And now I'm done with you

I love you, I hate you
I can't live without you
I love you, I hate you
I can't live without you

I just can't take anymore
This life of solitude
I pick myself off the floor
And now I'm done with you
Always, always, always

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