You are screaming, everything is blurry, and you are being drowned by the darkend sky, from which you saw an angel. You wake up, realising where you were, you struggled to get out before you were corrupted by the darkness of the skys deepend ocean. And suddenly, you see the death of the world, this is the end of everything, this is what you have feared all your life and now you can finally rest for as you shut your eyes, begging for hope, you wake up, you feel something cold on your face, snow, and you see something, a person, and they pull you up from the darkness that you have been drowned in for all those years and they gently say that you can rest and go home now, you have had the nightmare of death and life, and you can see your friends and family again, and you just have to step into the white door that is glowing with the power that is from within your heart. You step through the door, and your are blinded by happiness and joy as you move on, you have passed the test, and now your free...