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Chapter 1 I Can’t believe this!!! scream
I know that I’m not the best person in the world but I know I’m better than her. She is all over him
kissing him, she's touching him.....yuk! It makes me sick to my stomach. Oh yeah you don't even
know what's happened. By the way my name is Cherish Chealsea Martin, I’m 8th grade and I’m
about to tell up to this moment. I know I know what you’re thinking......how could anyone start a story
off that way. Well that's just how I do. Now let me tell you from the beginning.
Chapter 2 The beginning wink
I woke up this morning feeling like crap because I have to share a bed with my little sister. My sister doesn’t snore or anything its just she likes to spread out on everyone. It makes me sick but I love her,,, most of the time. My moms "lost" one of our mattresses on the day we moved. I say "lost" because I know I saw one of those Mexican men steal it. (Not to be racist or anything). We aren’t poor or nothing, we are like in Middle Class. But anyways today was the first in my new school but I had already been to the school two days before to figure out what was my schedule and things like that so I wouldn’t be lost. I already had a friend in the school; her name is Glitter Nozi but Glits for short. I personally think Glitter is a cool name but my moms thinks would probably think Glits’ moms was drunk or bored while she was naming her. My moms and I don’t always see eye to eye with everything. I’m more of the crazy-cursing sometimes-type and she’s more like a praise god-killjoy-save your virginity till your 50 type, even though I know she’s not a virgin because my bothers, sisters, and me. I remember when me and one of my brothers JJ real name Javin Martin, asked where babies come from. My mom said that she “praided” to god and we all came from the sky. Such a same we believed her. As far as my dad goes I don’t live with him but when I go visit him he’s okay but he is strict about some things. I take a shower decide and put on some clothes and head downstairs for some breakfast. Since this isn’t one of those “moms cook everything cause they had no life outside” stories I settle for some cereal. Then I watch TV. for an hour and head out the door. I have to walk to my bus stop which I don t mind but there is a big, huge, mountainous hill I have to walk up. My mom jokes that I’m out of shape and the hill will be good for me. I don’t mind her, I’m not out of shape, I just got a tiny little belly don’t we all? I didn’t check the time before I left so I didn’t actually know the time so I start to run just in case. As I’m running a start to see Glitter, I keep running to catch because I know she’s not a fast walker. I keep running and running but Im not catching up then I realize she’s not walking she’s running! I don’t know why though, there’s not one chasing her, well but me. I call her “Glits, Glitter!” she looks back then turns back and runs faster. I yell again “Hey slow down jeez!!!” She turns arounds around and yells back “Run girl the bus is right there!”
Chapter 3 Making A New Friend biggrin
There it was, about to turn the corner the bus! “Wait, wait!” we both screamed after I caught up to up Glits. Well that lasted a good five ten minutes then finally someone looked out the window, laughed, told some other kids, they looked out, laughed then finally told the bus driver to stop. Some people are such jerks. As Glitter and I aproche the bus I start to slow down so she can go first and take some of the heat off me. I know she could tell what I was doing because before she got on the bus she gave me this look like "you b*****d". She steps on, its my turn now. I can still hear some people laughing. I grab the silver bar and drag my way up the stairs. Well no turning back now i guess. I look foward, oh my god the bus is backed. All filled with every color but white. My mom says that its not that we live in a poor neighborhood and go to poor schools its just more blacks and other raices
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